

Wars of the Roses

A specific period in English history (1455-1487) when descendants of King Edward III fought over the throne of England.

564 Questions

Why do you have red bumps on soft palate?

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Red bumps on the soft palate can be caused by various factors such as allergic reactions, viral or bacterial infections, irritation from smoking or hot foods, or even canker sores. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment if needed.

When was the last time edward v was seen?

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Edward V was last seen in June 1483. After his father's death, he was taken to the Tower of London to await his coronation. However, he and his younger brother, Richard, disappeared and were likely murdered, giving rise to the mystery known as the Princes in the Tower.

Why did the war of the roses happen?

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The War of the Roses happened due to a power struggle between two branches of the English royal family, the House of Lancaster and the House of York, for control of the English throne. It was primarily a conflict between two rival factions and their allies, rather than a war fought for a specific cause or ideology. Ultimately, it ended with the establishment of the Tudor dynasty under Henry VII.

Was Henry VII on the lancasterian side in the war of the roses?

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No, Henry VII was on the Yorkist side in the War of the Roses. He was the founder of the Tudor dynasty and won the crown by defeating King Richard III, a Lancastrian, at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. Henry VII's victory effectively ended the war and marked the beginning of the Tudor period in England.

How did the war of the roses start?

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The war of the roses took place in medieval britain, and the last battle was a Bosworth Field.

What two families fought the war of roses?

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There were no nations fighting in the Wars of the Roses, merely two different "families", the house of Lancaster and the house of York, both of which were descended from the sons of Edward III, so technically they were all of the same family, the Wars of the Roses is often called "The Cousin's War" by some historians.

The House Of Lancaster (Red Rose) & The House Of York (White Rose).

What does the Tudor rose represent?

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The Tudor rose represents the marriage of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of york ,but it also represents the reign of the Tudor's.

What colour was lancaster rose in war of roses?

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Lancaster was red, the House of York was white

What happens to the roses at the end of the rose parade?

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At the end of the Rose Parade, the roses used in the floats and displays are typically left to wither and be discarded. Due to the perishable nature of flowers, they are not able to be preserved or reused after the event. However, the discarded roses are sometimes collected and recycled into mulch or compost. Additionally, some organizations may collect the flowers and distribute them to hospitals, nursing homes, or other locations to bring joy to people who could benefit from the beauty of the flowers.

Experience the magic of the annual Tournament of Roses Parade like never before with A la Carte Tours! Watching the parade on television can never compare to the thrill of being there in person, and we are here to make that dream a reality for you.

Who fought in Battle of Five Armies and what was the outcome?

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The Battle of the Five Armies started as a face off between the armies of the Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield and Dain of the Iron Hills, the Men of Long Lake, led by Bard, and the Wood Elves, led by their King. They all had some claim to the treasure in the Halls of the King under the Mountain, recently freed from the possession of the dragon Smaug, whom Bard had slain, with Bilbo's help.

As they were about to fight, due to Thorin's enormous love of the treasure, and complete unwillingness to consider any other claim, an enormous army of Goblins showed up. To some degree, their attack had been kicked off by the slaying of the Great Goblin by Gandalf, plus their desire for the treasure. Once the Goblins showed up, the Elves, Dwarves, and Men joined together to fight the common foe. After that battle had been engaged for some time, and was not going well for the forces of good, an army of eagles showed up and tipped the scales against the Goblins.

So I guess that in the end, the desire of the Dwarves to gain back their lost home in Lonely Mountain, and win back the treasure of their fathers was the primary cause of this battle.

Who won the Battle against the house of york and Lancaster?

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1459 Ludford

1460 Wakefield

1461 St Albans

1469 Edgecote

How chipko movement helped to save the environment?

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Chipko movement was started by a man named Sunderlal Bahuguna. In this movement people used to hug the trees tightly. When wood cutters were cutting the trees indiscriminately, Sunderlal Bahuguna started this movement in order to save the environment. As you know that trees are the most important part of the nature. This movement saves trees as well as the environment.

How many men in a brigade?

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A brigade is military unit consisting of a variable number of combat battalions or regiments.
The typical NATO standard brigade consists of approximately 4,000 to 5,000 troops, but the number of men in a brigade is not specified or fixed.

What does a red rose left at a front door mean?

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I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

I would say you have an admirer. Most likely a romantic one.

Did Henry VII fight in the War of the Roses?

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No , the War of the Roses finished finally with the victory of Henry Tudor over Richard iiird.

Where is the 38th parallel located?

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In fact it, like all other parallels, circumnavigated the earth. The point it, I suppose, matters is that it divides North & South Korea.

When was the battle of freedom fields?

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The battle of freedom fields took place during the English civil war.

How did Henry VII secure the throne?

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He defeated the king, Richard III, at the battle of Bosworth field. Henry belonged to the house of Lancaster and Richard to the house of York. Both houses were descendants of Edward III, so they both had claims to the throne. When Henry became king he married Elizabeth of York (Richard's niece) in order to unite the two houses and end the battle between them.

Can you draw the Tudor rose?

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The Tudor rose is a combination of the white rose of the House of York and the red rose of the House of Lancaster. It features a small white flower with five petals and a yellow center, surrounded by five larger red petals with green leaves at the open points of the red petals.

It was created for the Tudor dynasty after the Wars of the Roses ended in 1485. The victor, Henry VII, who represented the House of Lancaster, married Elizabeth of York in order to unite the houses. The Tudor rose is the traditional floral emblem of England to this dale and can be found on the Yeoman Warders and Yeoman of the Guard who guard the Tower of London and the English monarch. It is also on the United Kingdom's royal coat of arms.

How was Richard the third killed?

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Stabbing him in the chest

What are the 5 main reasons for conflict in the war of roses?

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The war was fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York.

1. Both Houses laid claim to the monarchy.

2. The ruling Lancastrian King ( Henry V1) surrounded himself with unpopular nobles.

3. There was civil unrest amongst most of the population.

4. Powerful Lords had their own private armies.

5. Henry V1 suffered from a mental illness