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Q: Why do you think Presidents Washington and Adams paid off the pirates Why do you think Jefferson and Madison did not?
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How did Presidents Washington and Adams deal with Barbary pirates?

While Washington was president, the French essentially protected American shipping from these pirates. Under Adams. the US paid tribute money to the pirates even though Adams who had negotiated with them before was president hated the idea, but feared the US navy was not strong enough to stand up to them . When Jefferson became president, the US refused to pay and a small war resulted which the US eventually won and also won some European respect for its naval power.

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the?

Thomas Jefferson endorse military action against the Barbary pirates.

When was president Jefferson dealing with the pirates?

Jefferson was President of the US between 1801 and 1809.

Does Madison pettis talk for izzy off ofjake and the neverland pirates?

Yes Madison Pettis's new character Izzy is a character from Jake and the neverland pirates. She speaks for the character of Izzy because Izzy is just like Madison.

Which president dealed with the barbary pirates?

It was Thomas Jefferson.

Who plays Izzy in Jake and the never land pirates?

Madison Pettis

Why do you think Jefferson beileved it was worth the risk not paying the barbary pirates?

Thomas Jefferson knew the barbary priates were not trained

What happened when Thomas Jefferson stop paying tribute to the Barbary pirates-?

Many of the Barbary pirates began to disrupt colonial trade with England on the high seas. Pirates also seized colonial ships and demanded restitution from Jefferson and other officials.

What was Thomas Jefferson first problem as president?

Thomas Jefferson was faced with the conflict of the Barbary Pirates, the supream court case of Marbury vs Madison, and the Louisiana Purchase happened during his presidency.

What was the founding father's position on going to war?

Obviously this depended on the individual. Thomas Jefferson was a pacifist of the first order,and, therefore, would certainly have been anti-war (even though he did send our fledgling Navy, built by John Adams, and nearly cancelled by Jefferson) to fight the pirates of the North African Barbary Coast. Adams understood the importance of a strong defense, certainly Washington understood that unique decisiveness that comes from warfare. Madison will be the first president to actually ask for and receive a Declaration of War in 1812, and will become one of only two sitting presidents ever to lead American troops in the field. (the other was Washington when he personally led troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion during his administration) So each had his own unique thoughts on the matter and fortunately were level-headed enough to avoid most conflict.

Which president fought a war with pirates?

The Barbary Pirates were North Africans who captured, looted and sank American merchant ships. In order for the ships to get by the merchant ships had been paying a tribute to them, but Jefferson was elected President in 1800 and declared he would not pay one penny as tribute to the pirates. Therefore, he sent a battleship to end the blockade. However, the ship was sunk and another ship was captured. Jefferson payed $60,000 in ransom for the ship and its crew and signed a peace treaty with the pirates. This ordeal humiliated the United States but also made Jefferson realize the need for a naval force.

Who did thomas Jefferson stop paying tribute to and send in the Marines instead?

The Barbary Pirates