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Because he was pleading for the union

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Q: Why do you think Zebulon B Vance and people like him felt like they had no choice but to secede after Fort Sumter?
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What state did not secede before the fall of fort Sumter?

Four of the eight states of the Upper South - Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina and Virginia - had not declared for the Confederacy before Sumter. They did after.

Was Florida the third state to secede from the US?

The Southern state of Florida was the second US state to secede, not the third one. Before the bombardment of the Federal Fort Sumter in Charles harbor in April of 1861, seven states were part of the secession. Four others joined after the fall of Fort Sumter.

Why did North Carolina not rush to secede?

North Carolina did not rush to secede because they were going to stay neutral. They finally seceded when Abraham Lincoln called for troops from NC to join the army to recapture Sumter.

What was Lincoln's initial stance when the south began to secede?

Lincoln's initial stance when the South began to secede was to not fire on Fort Sumter. He was trying to stay out of it and allow the upper south to convince the lower south to not secede.

What event caused the civil war?

people wanted slavery and some didn't so they went to war agiostThe Election of Abraham Lincoln, which prompted slave holding southern states to secede and then fired on Fort Sumter.

Why did the south think it was ok to secede?

The South had no choice, they were out gunned, out manned, and out of supplies.

Which state did not secede until after the fort Sumter attack?

Four of them - North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Arkansas.

What year did six more states secede and Lincoln takes office. Fort Sumter remains one of two southern forts under union control?


When did nc leave the union?

April 1861 - as a response to Lincoln's call for volunteers in the North immediately after the surrender of Fort Sumter. It was one of the last four states to secede.

What caused four more Upper South states to secede and join the Confederacy?

Lincoln's appeal for 75,000 volunteer troops after the Confederate artillery fired on Fort Sumter.

Did pro-slavery or antislavery people secede?

Pro-slavery people seceded. South Carolina was the first state to secede in 1860.

What Caused Secession?

When Ft. Sumter was taken in Charleston Harbor in April 1861 by confederate troops this began the civil war.