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The Founding Fathers believed it was important for members of congress to live in the US for a specific period of time: nine years to run for senate, seven years to run for the house of representatives. The reasons were probably to make sure the person was familiar with the state and the people that he (and later, she) wanted to represent; and to make sure the person had been here long enough to develop a loyalty towards a particular state and the USA as a country. If a person were allowed to run for office after only being here a few months, that person might still be loyal to his (or her) former country rather than being loyal to the United States.

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because if the arabs or saburbian people who dont even know our u.s. citizen laws and rules then the world would be at stake

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Q: Why do you think its important for representatives and senators to have lived in the us for a number of years?
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Why does each state have the same number of senators and a different number of representatives?

i dont know because Jesus Christ is amazing The number of senators is determened by the number of states in the union. The number of rep's in the HOR is determened by each states population.

What are the qualifications for representatives and senators?

Senators must be at least 30 years old, live in there state and district for at least 9 years , and born a citizen. Representatives must be at least 25 years old , and lived in there state or district for at least 7 years.

What are qualifications for senators and representatives?

Senators must be at least 30 years old, live in there state and district for at least 9 years , and born a citizen. Representatives must be at least 25 years old , and lived in there state or district for at least 7 years.

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Senators must be at least 30 years old, live in there state and district for at least 9 years , and born a citizen. Representatives must be at least 25 years old , and lived in there state or district for at least 7 years.

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Senators must be at least 30 years old, live in there state and district for at least 9 years , and born a citizen. Representatives must be at least 25 years old , and lived in there state or district for at least 7 years.

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where do they lived in Georgia

Why did American colonists resent British tax?

Americans did not elect representatives to Parliament as people who lived in Great Britain did.

How is each state represented in the us?

Senators - each state gets 2 senators regardless of how big/small the state is or how populated/unpopulated the state is. Representatives - each state gets representatives based on its population; highly populated state = many representatives, very unpopulated state = few representatives

Why do you think it's important for representatives and senators to have lived in the US for a number of years?

The Founding Fathers believed it was important for members of congress to live in the US for a specific period of time: nine years to run for senate, seven years to run for the house of representatives. The reasons were probably to make sure the person was familiar with the state and the people that he (and later, she) wanted to represent; and to make sure the person had been here long enough to develop a loyalty towards a particular state and the USA as a country. If a person were allowed to run for office after only being here a few months, that person might still be loyal to his (or her) former country rather than being loyal to the United States.

What is the difference between a senator and representative?

Senators and representatives differ in the fact that there are 2 senators from each state while the number of representatives are determined by the states population. also a senator represents his state for a 6-year term, while a representative has only a 2-year term. A senator has to be 30 years old and lived in the country for at least 9 years, whle a representative has to just be 25 years old and spend only 7 years in the country first. Both must currently live in the state that they are representing. the house of representatives can bring upon impeachment charges, while the senate is the one that chrages and holds the trial for person the charges has been against.

Where did roman senators live?

If you mean where did senators live in ancient Rome, they lived in ordinary houses. If the senator were wealthy the house was large and usually on the Caelian Hill, where most of the wealthy lived. There was no area set aside for members of the senate and each man lived in the style or neighborhood that his pocketbook could afford.

How long must Representatives have lived in the USA?

7 years of living in the US is the residency requirement for the House.