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Q: Why do you think that McCarthy accused people of communist activities?
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How did McCarthy's witch hunts affect the people who were accused?

Suspected Communists

How did McCarthy and huac create a reign of terrior?

Joseph McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities created a reign of terror by going on a communist witch hunt. McCarthy questioned the loyalty and patriotism of people he suspected of being communists. Hearings were held and reputations were ruined.

How did senator McCarthy spread the fear of communism in the US?

McCarthy claimed he had a list of "known communists" working in the State Department. The number of names on the list changed from speech to speech. He opened a Senate hearing on the matter and accused anyone who disagreed with him of being a communist or a communist sympathizer. He brought in witnesses to name names of communists whom they knew, but many of the names were so-called "suspected communists" and there was no proof that any of the names were of actual communist spies. People often denounced their neighbors and co-workers so that they themselves would not be accused of being communists. Some people denounced political or business rivals, without proof, to give themselves an advantage over their antagonists. Finally, McCarthy was brought down by a one-two punch of Edward R. Murrow showing a TV documentary in which nothing but McCarthy's own words were used to indict him, and Attorney Joe Walsh challenged McCarthy in his own Senate committee by asking him, "For the love of God, Senator, have you no shame?"

Who did Joseph McCarthy accuse of being a communist?

McCarthy accused anyone who he disagreed with of being a communist. He particularly went after people who were populists or activists or had leftist leanings of any kind. He accused many of his political opponents and writers and actors in Hollywood. People who were accused were then brought before a senate committee and asked to name names. It became a witch hunt and many people were blackballed from their professions and unable to work. Anyone and his sister who associated themselves with another accused communist. And then anyone who was close to that person, most people turned in others for their positions or for vengeful purposes. McCarthy Vindicated At Last 12/18/2007 "...These intercepted cables proved that there were over 350 Americans spying for the Soviets, and enabled investigators to identify about half of them. Joe McCarthy had access to the information contained in the top secret Venona intercepts, access given him by J. Edgar Hoover and others concerned with the extent of Soviet espionage and penetration, but he could not defend himself against charges of recklessly accusing people of being Soviet agents by revealing the source of his information without alerting the Soviets that some of their most important secrets were known to U.S. Intelligence..."

What parallels can be made between the Salem witch hunt and the witch hunt for communists in the us in the 1950's?

The message that Miller is aiming to get across to the audience is that there is a parallel between the Salem society in 1692 and the American society in the 1950s. McCarthy was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator. During the Cold War, the people in America feared that the USSR would spread communism in the U.S.A. McCarthy used his senator power to accuse people he did not like for being communist. At first he accused artists, mainly actors and writers. They lost their jobs and nobody bought their books or watched their movies. The brave ones who tried to stop him were as well accused. Soon McCarthy gained lots of power over the U.S.A. but he made a big mistake when he used this power to accuse generals from the army that had more power than him. In the Crucible, Arthur Miller presents the exact same thing. Abigail gains power which is increasing just like McCarthy did. Everyone trusts her so she beguines accusing innocent people she does not like for witchcraft. McCarthy used his senator power to accuse people he did not like. If you opposed the Salem witch trials you were accused of being a witch. If you opposed the McCarthy investigations you were accused of being a communist. Arthur Miller clearly presents the parallel between Salem and the U.S. in the 1950s, and proves the readers that irrationality gets us nowhere.

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Why do you think mcCarthy accused people of communist activities?


How were the accused by McCarthy investigated?

McCarthy accused many Americans of being communists. Ironically, he was never able to actually identify any communists. People who McCarthy named were brought before a senate committee and made to testify, and try to explain their innocence. McCarthy ruined many careers by falsely accusing people of being communist.

What did senator McCarthy do in the 1950's?

Senator McCarthy started blaming people to be communist. He would blame people who would go against him. But people wouldn't fight McCarthy because they were afraid of them.

What happened to people in America that were accused of being communist during McCarthyism during the 1950?

They would get blacklisted, and not be allowed to be hired, so they'd loose money, and people would be against the person who was accused.

Why did people fear McCarthyism?

fear of retaliation, people did not want to be charged because they were communists. Even if someone did something a little bit suspicious, McCarthy could immediately charge them for being communist. people became fearful of McCarthyism even if they were not communists because you could be accused because you had a relative who was a communist or a friend who was a communist.

How did McCarthy's witch hunts affect the people who were accused?

Suspected Communists

How did McCarthy and huac create a reign of terrior?

Joseph McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities created a reign of terror by going on a communist witch hunt. McCarthy questioned the loyalty and patriotism of people he suspected of being communists. Hearings were held and reputations were ruined.

How was McCarthy able to gain a powerful hold on the government and public?

As a senator, he exploited the people's fear of communism. The Russians had the a-bomb, China went communist, the stalemate that ended the Korean War. The American people feared communism and Senator McCarthy expressed their fears for a while, until he went to far and accused almost everyone of being a communist. His paranoia got the better of him and he lost power fast.

How was McCarthy able to gain such a powerful hold on the public and government?

As a senator, he exploited the people's fear of communism. The Russians had the a-bomb, China went communist, the stalemate that ended the Korean war. The American people feared communism and Senator McCarthy expressed their fears for a while, until he went to far and accused almost everyone of being a communist. His paranoia got the better of him and he lost power fast.

Did Mcarthy lose power when he was reavealed to be communist?

No. McCarthy lost power y accusing other people to be Communist- with no evidence that they were.

Did people accused of communism get executed in the communist trials of 1950?

Many people were accused of communism in the 1950s but the only people executed were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg in 1951.

What is mccarthyism the crucible?

McCarthyism occurred after WWII when people were afraid of the communist menace. At McCarthy's senate hearings and the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), peoples lives were ruined because they were accused of being communists without proof. They lost their jobs and were unable to find work elsewhere. Some wee driven to suicide. Miller allows the audience to draw a parallel between the accusations of the girls and the unsubstantiated allegations that ruined lives made by McCarthy and HUAC.