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Q: Why do you think the Cratchits are happy despite their poverty?
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I'm sorry to say, but I don't think that poverty will ever be eliminated.

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I think it is beacause there is a lot of poverty

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albert thought poverty was a choice of mind so he tried to stay away from that mind set

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maybe. i think they get depressed when you think they're happy, and they're happy when you think they're depressed.

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I think u mean what should we do to be happy... well, to be happy, just be happy! ^_^

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i think yellow is a happy colour :)

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when I think of a happy number i think of even numbers, so yes that would be a "happy" number, but if your not talking about an even number than i would think that 2172th is a lukcy or as you say it is a happy number.

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i dont think there is a statistic out there to answer that question

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Well I think the answer is, The War On Poverty.