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The secret build up of offensive Soviet missiles was discovered by a U-2 Spy plane overflight of the tiny island. President Kennedy, considered an invasion of Cuba after the discovery, similar to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion 18 months earlier.

After much discussion, he opted for a "Quarantine," of Cuba, which resulted in a naval blockade around the island. Kennedy demanded that the Soviets remove the missiles, however Nikita

Khrushchev, publicly denounced the plan.

In order for both parties to show their strength as leaders, a back room deal was had, out of view of the public on each side. The Soviets said they would remove the missiles, if the United States agreed to never invade Cuba again.

Unknown to the world for over 25 years, was an even more shocking agreement. To sweeten the deal, and allay the Soviets fears of missiles on their borders, Kennedy agreed to remove America's Jupiter missiles from Turkey and Italy.

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Why did the US government want to remove soviet missiles in cuba?

For the same reason the USSR government wanted the US missiles in Turkey removed. They were seen as a threat and a provocation. Both the US and USSR got the missiles removed that they wanted removed (but the US wanted to pretend removing the missiles in Turkey had no connection to removing the missiles in Cuba for political reasons, and Khrushchev allowed this).

What started the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Castro wanted American Tobacco PlantainsIt was started by:1) The USA placed missiles in Turkey2) The Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba

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During the cold war, the soviet union wanted to destroy the United States.

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Because, U.S wanted a democratic government and the soviet union wanted a communist government

How did the US react to the missiles in cuba?

Kennedy responded to Soviet missiles in Cuba by a naval quarantine of Cuba to prevent the shipment of new missiles coupled with nuclear threat. When soviet ships carrying missiles were near to Cuba, the were stopped by American ships and ordered to turn back. No one in the US knew what the Soviets might do, but they turned back peacefully.There have already been tensions between Cuba and the US ever since Castro came to power in the late 1950s. Cuba became communist and began negotiations with the Soviet Union (The US's enemy during the Cold War). The Soviet Union wanted to counter the US missiles in Turkey by sending intermediate ranged missiles into Cuba. This action caused panic within America and President Kennedy was forced to promise that he would no longer attempt to overthrow Castro or the Cuba government and he would take his missiles out of Turkey if the Soviet Union took their missiles out of the Cuba.He ordered a Quarantine on cuba and stopped the soviet ships from bringing any missiles to cuba. This was due to concerns that the soviets can attack the west.

What were some of Russia's demands to remove their missiles from cuba?

one was that they wanted the us to promise not to invade

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Is it true that President Kennedy favored the Test Ban Treaty to force the soviet to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba?

Publicly and chronologically speaking, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is about nuclear tests, and was signed after Kennedy forced the Soviets to withdraw their missiles. In my opinion, the way you put it, he may have wanted america to seem to be a force for peace. Good question, president-wise.

Why did kruschev put missile in Cuba?

Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to put nuclear weapons in Cuba, because the US had placed Nuclear weapons in West Germany, Greece, Turkey, Japan, and A few pacific islands. He wanted to equalize the strategic advantage

Why did the Soviet Union place missiles in cuba?

It was a direct threat to the United States - and a power move to show they could place missles within 90 miles of their border.There are actually 5 possible reasons:1. To Bargain With The USA-Krushchev may have put them there so that he had something against the USA and good agree on removing them in return for some American concessions.2. To Test The USA-The missiles could have been put there to see how string the Americans really were, whether they would back off or face up. The USSR may have wanted to test out Kennedy3. To Trap The USA-The missiles could've been a trap and Krushchev may have wanted the Americans to find them and be drawn into a nuclear war. He didn't even try to hide them.4. To Defend Cuba-The missiles could have been their to genuinely defend Cuba5. To Get The Upper Hand In The Arms Race-The missiles were put there so that the Soviet Union was at least level with the USA in the Arms Race. With their missiles in Cuba and America's missiles in Turkey, it was less likely the USA would ever launch a 'first strike' against the USSR.

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He wanted to prevent an invasion.