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You get hot when you exercise because you are using calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. Not a unit of fat. But some foods have more calories( more energy) and the body doesn't use all of them so they get stored as fat. Almost every time you move you burn a calorie. By bending over and touching your toes you use one calorie, or one unit of energy. Burning calories that slowly is gradual so you hardly feel the effects of it. But when you exercise the calories, or energy units, are used at a fast rate. Then you burn fat and use up water, so you get hot. Hence sweating; your body is cooling down. When you finish exercising your stomach will feel cold( not immediately after) meaning you burned fat and from the quick use of calories. In literal terms, a calorie is the amount of energy it takes to raise one cubic centimeter of water 1 degree, therefore you get hot while burning calories.

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15y ago
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15y ago

When you exercise, your muscles need glucose to contract rapidly. The glucose is used in repiration to release energy. However, respiration is a very exothermic reaction, which means that heat is also released. This is why your body temperature increases with vigorous exercise.

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15y ago

The end result of energy is heat. Muscle effort and movement generates heat- that's why you shiver in the cold, to generate warmth. You do actually change the body's temperature by exercising.

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14y ago

In layman's term, we turn red when exercising is because of increased blood supply....

scientifically, the blood vessels are pressurized as there is increase is the requirement of blood, vasodilators are secreted and our body blood supply gets increased and becomes relatively faster.......

when exercising we loose alot of calories and to overcome our work out the workload on heart, respiratory, endocrine system etc is increased.......

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12y ago

ATP energy is what your body burns and converts to energy. The bonds are broken, and 60% is released as heat, which, in return, heats up the body.

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Acids causes litmus paper to turn into what color?

HCl (hydrochloric acid) is an acid so it will turn litmus paper red. and alkali will go from red litmus to blue.

Why do your eyes turn red after swimming in a pool with chlorine why don't they turn pink or purple or blue?

Because the colour of the blood vessels that cause your eyes to turn red are red.

What color does litmus paper turn when immersed in vinegar?

it can turn red pH paper blue and blue pH paper red

Do acids turn red limus paper blue?

If it is pure water, it doesn't change.

What color does litmus blue and red paper turn in acid?

im thinking it would turn red:)

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