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You don't need to use ampersand for arrays; it's entirely optional even for strings (character arrays). This is because arrays will implicitly convert to a pointer at the slightest provocation. Thus for an array named X, you can either pass the array to a function as X, &X or &X[0], they all refer to the exact same address.

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Q: Why do you use ampersand symbol for arrays and not for a string?
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Related questions

What is an ampersand?

It is the full name for the text symbol "&" meaning "and" or "in addition to." You can use the ampersand by holding down the SHIFT and 7 keys, which will display the ampersand.

What code is used to generate the special copyright symbol on a webpage?

Such symbols are called entities. For the copyright symbol, use "©" (including the ampersand and the semicolon!)

Ampersand in a sentence?

Ampersand is use for Title, and Fragments .

Can you use the and symbol instead of 'and' and still be gramatically correct?

Use of the ampersand (&) in writing is a spelling mistake. Not acceptable unless you're trying to be funny.

Why do people use a double ampersand?

they use it to shorten the word AT. @=at edit by Superflipper @ = not an ampersand. & = ampersand. they use double ampersand (&&) to be trendy or honestly don't know that you're only supposed to use one. It was a ridiculous movement that started on myspace. Pronounce it as "and and".

How do you use ampersand in a sentence?

The ampersand is number seven on a standard keyboard.

Is it proper to use an ampersand in french?

It is proper to use an ampersand in French. Use it with the same usage rules that you would use in English.

What symbol is at the beginning and end of a string?

Depends on the programming language you are working with ..... Most use the symbol " or '

Why not use and symbol in string function?

You shouldn't use it because it is not and gate in diode logic.

What finger do you use to key the ampersand?

your finger

How do you work with string in c plus plus?

The easiest way is to use a std::string object. #include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { std::string s("hello world"); std::cout<<s<<std::endl; } You can also use C-style character arrays if you don't need the full functionality of a std::string object.

Can you use an ampersand in an email address?

You cannot use an ampersand ('&') in a URL as this is an HTML control character. A URL can only consist of the letters A-Z, 1-0 and hyphen (-).