

Why do you use moisturiser?

Updated: 11/24/2022
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Q: Why do you use moisturiser?
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Use it on your skin as a moisturiser

What is the chemical formula for moisturiser?

It depends on the moisturiser product. Try re-asking the question, giving a specific moisturiser.

Can you give me some handy tips to make my skin better?

use moisturiser

What skin care does Katie price use on her legs?

Katie uses Dove moisturiser.

What moisturiser can you use on a guinea pig?

None. If its skin is flakey, it needs to see a vet.

You are fifty seven why is your skin drying out?

Because that's what happens as you get older. Use a moisturiser.

What can you do about itchy skin?

Use a moisturiser as soon as you take bath. Keep your body hydrated and moisturised.

What can you use for glycerin?

you can use nitroglycerin to blow things up glycerin is also a good skin moisturiser and is used in saddle soap.

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Is Vaseline good for rashes?

Vaseline is totally bad for rashes, if you have emmoilient cream or moisturiser that would help, but vaseline actually makes rashes worse and can cause skin disease if you are not careful. Use moisturiser or emmoilient cream Jenny A Doctor

How do you cure dry creapy skin?

use a good thick moisturiser at night and a lighter one during the day.

What do you put on your dry lip piercing?

I find that Sudacrem works best :) it's good to use as a moisturiser aswell (: