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because like like i like cheese

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Q: Why do you vote for green party?
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Can you vote for a democrat if registered for the Green Party?

In the general election, you can vote for whoever you like regardless of which party you are registered with. In less political terms, on election day you can vote for whoever you want.

Where and at what government levels is the Green Party of the US competitive?

The Green Party has not won any national offices and may have gotten a handful of local offices. In CA voting Green is virtually throwing a vote away. I changed to the Green Party several years ago and it was like I had no party. I had to pick either Democratic, Republican, or Independent to vote in the primary.

Can you vote for republication president in primary if registered democrat in state of California?

No. You can't cross party lines. You will get the ballot in the party you are registered. If you are independent or Green Party you don't get to vote in the primary.

Which party won three percent of the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election?

Ralph Nader , Green Party candidate, got 2.75% of the popular vote in 2000.

What slogan does the Green Party of Canada use?

Going Green... All The Cool Kids Are Doing ItIts me or the Hummer (Says a polar bear)There's no bowl of soup big enough for Mother Earth's SoulBe Clean. Go Green.Green is so the new black.Help stop global warming one iceberg at a time.Got hybrid?Go green or go home.

Do two party systems allow for independent voters?

Yes. When you register to vote you have 3 options. Republican, Democrat, and Independent. Here in CA we also have Green Party. The only thing wrong with going Independent and Green is that you don't vote in a primary. Primary elections are only for the two major parties.

If you don't vote in the UK elections does your vote automatically go to the current party in power?

No. If you do not vote, your vote is wasted. No party can lay claim to it.

How many parties have composed America political party system?

two or 2

What party does union worker vote for?

what party does union workers are more likely to vote for

Do you have to vote your party in the November election in Georgia?

If you vote in a primary election, you have to designate a Party. In a General Election, you vote for anybody on the ballot.

What is a clothespin vote?

A clothespin vote is when you don't like the candidate put up by your party but vote for him/her anyhow being loyal to your party.

Why do you have to vote for gorden brown?

you don't, you can vote for any party/leader or not vote