

Why do your hens pick holes in the ends of their eggs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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because it don't like small spaces

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Q: Why do your hens pick holes in the ends of their eggs?
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How do you get a hen off her fertile eggs?

Pick her up. You could wear gloves, some hens are possessive about their eggs. If the hen is broody and you don't want her to sit on the eggs put her in a cage or somewhere by herself. A hen house that has a section that can be closed off from other hens is a good idea.

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Do chickens carry their eggs after it is laid?

They are somewhat protective if they are just laying the egg, and will cackle to draw attention to themselves and away from the nest when they leave it, but after that, they are usually non-committal. However, if the hen is broody and is sitting in the nest to hatch the eggs she is much more protective.

Why are your hens not laying in cold weather?

My chickens, as well, don't lay eggs like they used to -- chances are, they are old, or possibly, your chickens are sick. However, the more likely probability is their age. Most chickens stop laying eggs after a few years; or they will lay very few.

Chickens is brooding and there is no rooster?

This is not uncommon. Chickens do not brood because they lay fertilized eggs, they brood because it is instinct and they will set eggs fertilized or not. Hens will and can set on golf balls if offered to the broody hen. Removal of eggs daily from the broody hen will dissuade her from maintaining her brooding but this could take a few days. Whenever possible, pick her up and take her away from the nesting box, continuing this until she gives up.

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you have to change the tool to the hand and left click on the eggs

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they pick a hole to go to the bathroom in!

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A pick-in handle umbrella is a type of umbrella that ends in a sharp pick. In some places, these umbrellas are seen as weapons and may be banned.

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Well if you dont want to break it pick it up softly