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The somewhat cynical answer is "because he wants to estimate how long your insurance companies are going to argue about which of them should pay before he actually gets paid."

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Q: Why doctor wants to know if you have other health insurance?
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What are mccains views on health insurance?

he wants to kill everyone.

How does catastrophic insurance work?

"Catastrophic insurance is a type of health insurance. With this type of insurance, the insured pays lower monthly premiums, but a higher deductible. For a person who doesn't need to see the doctor very often, but wants to be covered in case of an accident, this type of plan may be a good idea."

What is the difference between regular health insurance and major medical health insurance?

The difference between regular health insurance and major health insurance boils down to coverage. Regular health insurance covers basic procedures such as check ups, minor illnesses and minor injuries. Major health insurance is purchased when one wants coverage for more serious health conditions such as broken bones, serious traumatic injuries and cancer treatments.

What is the gastric bypass criteria required by health insurance providers?

It all depends on what kind of insurance you have. Some insurance wants the patient to be over a certain weight or they do not qualify. Some wants the patient to be in extreme need where it might endanger their lives.

I need to do a suveyfor work how do I get in to do it I already have insurance?

A health survey is something you fill out normaly get the form from who wants you to do it.

Who would be disadvantage by a new health care system?

Completely depends on your opinion. It will raise taxes and cost of medicine, health insurance, etc. For everyone. But it will give the poor who can't afford, or the person who does not want to work health insurance. So in my opinion it's everyone who wants to keep there health insurance which is the middle and upper class.

Would being a psychologist provide you with health insurance?

As a psychologist, whether you receive health insurance benefits would typically depend on your employment status. If you work for an organization that offers health insurance benefits as part of its employee benefits package, then you may be eligible for coverage. However, if you are self-employed or work on a contract basis, you would need to arrange for your own health insurance coverage.

How would McCain's health insurance tax plan work?

he wants to lower government spendins and also lower tax funds

When would a standardized table be useful in health care settings?

when a doctor wants to see how a patient is doing in comparison to others.

Where can you find a list of health insurance companies in the US?

You can get a list of all pharmaceutical companies in US from the internet through searchengines like Google, Yahoo, Dogpile, Ask etc.... Just type your keyword(i.e. 'list of all pharmaceutical companies in US') in the search box and you will surely get it. Rewritten by Rushabh. Hope this helps you.

What is the best company for Denver health insurance?

There is not one company that is the best for Denver health insurance. Many companies have there own strengths and it really comes down to what is the best fit for your own individual wants and needs, you can try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies

What is the required professional liability amounts for an optometrist is Florida?

Required? It's not required. It's up to the doctor if he or she wants to buy insurance or risk practicing without it.