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They just do alright

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Q: Why does Answers waste your time by initiation search engine results and littering search results with links for questions for which they have no answer?
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Related questions

What are answers?

The results to questions.

Why do people ask questions and get no results?

Well, some questions are rhetorical in that they do not need to be answered. Then there are questions that answer themselves. Take the question "Why do people ask questions and get no results?". If no response is given then it answers itself. If a response is given then it negates itself because it was answered.

Why does clog up Google when they don't have answers to questions?

Well, obviously we do have the answers to many questions, or Google wouldn't let us show on their results at all. Unfortunately, we also have unanswered questions that are waiting for answers, and many questions that need edits, etc. If you'd like to help answer questions so that fewer people get disappointed, please feel free. :)

What do scientists base questions on?

Scientist base their answers on things they already know, scientific evidence, and results that they get with doing experiments.

What is the end result of assessment?

The end result of assessment is the results of an assessment. It will tell you if you passed or failed. It should also give you all of the questions, the answers you chose, and the correct answers.

How do you spell an sews?

By spelling, the likely word is "answers" (replies to questions).But by pronunciation, this is likely the word ensues(follows, results, from to ensue)

How come you won't answer my questions?

You don't know for sure they won't be answered since you just posted them today and results are not always immediate, but if you want good answers, and to stay long enough to get them, make sure your own answers to others questions are good ones.

Where can I go to get great results on my science question answers?

It is commonly called "YOUR TEXT BOOK".Studying the book your teacher uses to conduct your class is the best source to find the answers to the questions he gives you.

How does a layout for a questionnaire look?

it usually has a title, the questions are usually numbered or have bullet points and the answers should be multiple choice so you get better results.

Does answers have better results than ask?

answers deffinetly has better answers that ask personaly i hate ask because i find it very cofusing and 1 time i was wathching are you smarter that a fifth grader and i answerd all the questions useing

Why would the results of a question on Answers only include search results?

if their are no direct answers on that particular question on then it will include search results , otherwise answers will pop up. Normally you would get answers related to your query from wikipedia.

Why is WikiAnswers so famous?

WikiAnswers is a great website for asking questions and getting answers. When someone has a question, WikiAnswers is one of the places they can go to get an answer. Answers on WikiAnswers also rank high on search engine results for many questions, so people can easily find out about the website while searching Google