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Because the Sun is the closest to the Earth.

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Q: Why does Earth receive more energy from the Sun than from any other star?
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Why does earth receive more energy?

Earth receives more energy from the moon, sun, stars, and other planets

Which parts of earth receive more energy from the sun?

No there is no part pouf. Gydnut fuht

What factors influence the amount of energy that different places on earth receives from the sun?

The main factor that influences the amount of energy that different places on Earth receive from the sun is the places location. The closer it is to the equator the more sun energy it will receive.

What Parts of earth receive more energy from the sun?

The warmest parts. The parts along the equator.

How do you get more enegry in Mafia Wars?

receive energy packs from other mafia members.

Why some parts of earth's surface receive more of the sun's heat than the other?

it receive more heat because it is in a spot were the suns rays are always received

Does the earth receive more energy from the sun in a single hour than the world uses in a whole year?

no cause it cicurlat around and you do recive more engry

Why earth receives more energy from the sun than from any other star?

Because it is the closest star to earth, meaning less energy is lost to the cosmos on its journey towards earth.

How do rotation and tilt affect the amount of solar energy that different parts of earth receive?

Rotation and tilt affect the amount of solar energy the earth receives because when the earth is tilted and or rotating, one specific part of the earth is more directed towards the sun then all the others.

How does the planets distance from the sun affect its conditions?

The farther away from the sun the planet is, the more space it has to cover. Therefore, the planets distance from the sun whereas, if i am half the distance from Earth/Sun, that planet will get more energy. But if I am twice the distance from Earth/Sun, I will receive less energy.

The more oxygen the muscles receive the more energy you have?

That is correct.

Why might you need to use more of there energy source in the future?

Other sources of energy that will not run out are tidal energy, from the rise and fall of Earth's ocean.