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Q: Why does Europe have feudalism and why does it end?
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What did the black death help bring an end to in Europe?

Black Death helped to end feudalism. It also helped to end influence of church over common people.

In what way did the great famine effect Europe?

It helped lead to the end of feudalism.

Where was feudalism?


What is feudalism medieval Europe?

Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.

Does Europe have feudalism?

Feudalism is a term used for a set of political and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the ninth and fifteenth centuries. In the present day, and it has been so for many centuries, Europe does not have feudalism.

What are two result of the plague striking Europe?

One-third of the population died; was a cause for the crusades; lead to the end of feudalism.

Where and when did feudalism take place?

-in europe

What country did feudalism began?


Do you think the western Europe model of feudalism is applicable to India?

Answering "Do you think the western Europe model of feudalism is applicable to India?"

Did Charlemagne bring feudalism to Europe?

Charlemagne did not bring feudalism to Europe. He did bring a series of changes that improved feudal society at this time.

What was feudalism is baced on?

Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.

Feudalism in western Europe was similar to feudalism in japan in that?

A. Power was based on class relationships