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Hitler was one of the most rabid Anti-Semites in the history of the World. He did not only not like Jews, he not only hated Jews, he virulently despised and repudiated Jews.

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Q: Why does Hitler like Jews so much?
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Why did Hitler hate Jews so much 2008?

Hitler hated Jews because they loved God, and Hitler hated God, as he showed by his life.

What happened with hitler in his childhood that he hates the jews so much?

Nothing happened in Hitler's family tree to make him hate Jews.

Why did Hitler put stars on Jews?

Hitler he saw it as a symbol of Judaism and the Jewish People. As a result, since he reviled the Jews, he reviled the star.

Why did hiler kill the Jews?

Hmmm.... Jews like to oppress people so Hitler launch war on them.

Why so much hostility to the Jews in the holocaust?

Actually, there were many stories as to why Hitler hates Jews. One story is that Hitler as a young boy, tried out for a artist school, he didnt get in, but a Jewish boy did. Another myth is that Hitler just purely hated Jews.

What values led to the opinion of the holocaust?

Because Hitler did not like the Jews, so he wanted them extinct.

How did the Jews influence Hitler?

Hitler did not understand the Jews or know any Jews, so he was terrified of the Jews, which caused him to hate them and scapegoat them for all of the problems in the word.

Why was Hitler so nasty?

He hated the Jews

Adolf Hitler hated Jews so he killed them all almost?

Adolf Hitler killed 6 million jews.

What was hitler's reason to kill jews?

Hitler killed the Jews because he said that they were the reason that the economy was doing so bad. Hitler also blamed losing World War 1 on the Jews.

Why were these groups targeted by society?

Hitler didn't like the Jews so he decided to capture, enslave, and kill them.

Did Hitler date Jewish girls?

He hated Jews, just like his father, so it's NOT likely.