

Why does Jesus want to come back to earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A:In apostolic times it made sense - Jesus had preached his gospel and wanted all people to have the chance to accept that gospel before he returned and rewarded those who believed. After a period of centuries during which the Christian faith became universal throughout Europe and the Western world, this ceases to be a logical explanation. It is an even less logical explanation as support for Christianity is now declining steadily. We need a new reason for Jesus to have come to earth, then ascend to heaven and want to come back again one day.


Few of the so called Christians today understand God's Plan for Mankind which He shows us in His 7 Holy/Feast Days. The return of Jesus has been prophecized throughout the Bible (consider Daniel 7:13).

Jesus Himself, spoke of His 2nd Coming in Matthew 24. The world will have come to a dangerous point where total destruction is inevitable. But before warring mankind can do this, Christ will return to stop it and establish the Kingdom of God on Earth as was the original plan until the sin in the Garden of Eden changed that.

The Feast of Trumpets will announce the King of kings and Lord of lords - it is the 7th trumpet of Revelation. The subsequent Holy Days will explain what will happen after His return.

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