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He is not married. He has had a civil partnership ceremony in Britain (that's what the UK has instead of gay marriage). He considers marriage to be a heterosexual institution. As many heterosexuals are not supportive of gays, he doesn't think marriage is a thing that gays should aspire to.

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Q: Why does John Barrowman not support same-sex marriage if he is gay and married?
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How long before you are common law married in Tennessee?

A marriage is considered common law after 7 years, but the disadvantage of a common law marriage is that you are not protected under the laws of a marriage that comes with getting married. It is smarter to get married and have the protection of laws of inheritance, support, retirement, and credit that comes with marriage.

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No, marriage emancipates her.

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No. Marriage constitutes the emancipation of a minor and child support obligations cease.

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Marriage of the mother, father or child have no relationship to the collection of a debt.

If a married man father a child outside his marriage can his wife be ordered to pay his child support in Alabama?

It isn't his wives child.

Does Javier Bardem support or oppose same-sex marriage?

He supports it. When same-sex marriage was legalized in Spain, he was famously quoted in the press that if he were gay he would "get married tomorrow, just to $%*& with the Church."

Does Howard Stern support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Radio personality Howard Stern is a libertarian and often discusses his strong support for same-sex marriage on his program. His program's announcer, George Takei of Star Trek fame, is a married gay man.

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If you didn't apply for a marriage license, you didn't get married in the eyes of the law. But that has nothing to do with child support. Child support is just that - support from the biological father for the child he helped to create. His responsibility to that child has nothing to do with marital status. If you did not go through the courts to get this support and you are worried that it won't continue, you need to take it to court and make his obligation to your child legally binding.

If a child is fathered by a married man does his wife pay for child support in the state of PA?

I had a baby by a man who is married he is in child support already? he doesn't have a job but his wife does is she liable for paying child support for his child that he fathered outside his marriage . I would like to know can how this law is applied in the State of Pennsylvania. The Courts is not aware that he is married yet

If you are married can you stop child support?

Being married does not automatically stop child support. Child support is a legal obligation that exists to ensure the well-being of the child. It is determined based on factors such as custody arrangements, the income of both parents, and the needs of the child. Marriage alone does not release a parent from their financial responsibility towards their child.

If you never married the father of your child and claim you did to receive child support is that fraud?

Yes. And it's also incredibly stupid: marriage is a matter of public record, so it's easy to tell you're lying, AND you can sue for child support whether you were married or not.