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Because kate is an idiot... she should of kept the pepperment and taken it to the flying leoploradaughn...

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1mo ago

Kate gives Helen candy to distract her from the situation and help calm her down. The sweet treat serves as a reward for behaving well and helps shift her focus away from the needle jab. It also works as a positive reinforcement for Helen's behavior.

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11y ago

to make her happy

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Q: Why does Kate give Helen a candy right after Helen jabs Annie with a needle?
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First you need two knitting needles, preferably of the same size and length, then you need some yarn or wool. To start knitting you need to cast on. Try this answer on how to cast on . . .How_do_you_cast_on_in_KnittingTo begin knitting after you have cast on the number of stitches you are happy with, insert the right needle into the first stitch on the left needle, from bottom to top, right to left, making sure the right needle goes behind the left needle. You should now be holding the needles in an X shape with the working yarn beside them both. Wrap the yarn around the back needle and then in between the needles. You then bring the right (back) needle to the front, keep in on the left needle to you don't lose the stitch. Then lift the right needle with the new loop stitch on it over and off the left needle. You should now have a new stitch on your right needle. Repeat this until you have finished the row. Then you do it on all the other rows until you are done.

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She was famous for shooting at the Wild West show. Thats right, thats right, thats right.

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How do you end a scarf?

You bind off. This is done by knitting two stitches so you have two on the right needle. Then pass the first stitch over the second and off the needle, leaving one on the right needle. Knit another stitch, which puts a second stitch on the right needle. Again pass the first stitch over the second. Continue this all the way down the row.

What is ssk slip to marker slip marker?

ssk = slip slip knit That means you slip the next two stitches, individually, knit-wise (insert right needle under stitch and remove) back to the right needle. Then insert the left needle underneath the slipped stitches, wrap yarn around the back of the right needle, then pull the yarn through the slipped stitches from the back, take worked stitches off left needle.