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Mayella keeps the red geraniums because they symbolize hope and beauty in her otherwise difficult and oppressive life. They serve as a source of comfort and joy for her, offering a glimpse of brightness and positivity in her challenging circumstances.

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Q: Why does Mayella keep the red geraniums?
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Related questions

What flowers did Mayella grow?

red geraniums

What kind of flowers did Mayella grow?

Mayella Ewell grew red geraniums in her yard. These flowers were a symbol of her desire to create beauty in an otherwise rough and impoverished environment.

Which character in To Kill a Mockingbird is associated with red geraniums in chipped slop jars?

Mayella Ewell

When does Scout talk about mayella's geraniums?

In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout talks about Mayella's geraniums during the trial of Tom Robinson. She notices the lack of beauty and care in Mayella's life, symbolized by the red geraniums she attempts to grow. This observation highlights the poverty and neglect that Mayella experiences, contributing to the overall themes of injustice and compassion in the story.

What is symbolic of mayella's red germanium's in To Kill A Mockingbird?

Mayella's red geraniums symbolize her desire for beauty and tenderness in a harsh environment. They represent the small moments of beauty and hope that she seeks in her otherwise difficult and lonely life. Additionally, the red color of the geraniums can symbolize passion and emotion in contrast to the cold and oppressive nature of her surroundings.

What does mayella have in her yard that comforts her?

Mayella has geraniums in her yard that comfort her. She takes care of them as a way to find solace and companionship in her isolated and difficult life.

What is the one bright spot in Ewell's yard?

Mayella's flowers.

What do red geraniums symbolize in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Red geraniums in "To Kill a Mockingbird" symbolize the innocence lost and the fragility of life. They serve as a reminder of the tragic events and injustice that occur in the story, particularly surrounding the characters of Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. The red geraniums also represent the idea of hope and redemption, as seen through the growth and resilience of characters like Scout and Atticus Finch.

What detail the description of Ewell cabin makes the reader guess that perhaps Mayella's is different from the rest of her family?

The clean red geraniums on the Ewell cabin porch suggest that Mayella takes some pride in her surroundings, unlike the rest of her family who tend to live in squalor. This attention to detail in maintaining the flowers may hint at Mayella's desire for beauty and a better life than what she experiences in her home.

Why do geraniums have red petals?

They were made this way. There are different colors of hybrid geraniums that have been manufactured in the lab for variety.

What is the theme and tone of red geraniums by Martha haskell clark?

The theme of "Red Geraniums" by Martha Haskell Clark centers around nature's ability to bring comfort and solace during difficult times. The tone of the poem is nostalgic and reflective, emphasizing the enduring beauty and significance of the red geraniums as a symbol of hope and renewal.

What is the name of the red flowers seen on balconies in Venice Italy?

Probably geraniums.