

Best Answer

Probably because it has something to do with Jesus. Also, claiming that a religion is a form of Christianity can give it more popularity.

AnswerThere are various definitions of the term cult. The one referred to in the question is the one consistently used by Christian theologians to refer to such groups as the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology etc as they claim a link to Christianity but are not orthodox in any sense and reject essential Christian doctrines.

Mormons today claim they are Christian, although they deny major Christian doctrines. In the original vision given to Joseph Smith by The Father and the Son he was told upon asking which church was the correct one that 'they are all wrong.' What this means in effect is that Mormons believe they are the only true Christian church on earth and are representing a return to the true Christianity that was lost. Their 'additional revelation' in the Book of Mormon and Doctrines and Covenants etc adds to what they regard as an incomplete Biblical revelation.

This claim on the part of Mormons to have 'additional revelation' which simply completes the Bible is not correct since the revelation they have directly contradicts the Bible on many key points. Certainly they have additional revelation which they are free to promulgate, but they do not have the right to claim this is Christian revelation when it is clearly something else.

Further to this, the Christian Bible is based on God's actual dealings with men in history that actually happened. In these places where evidence can be found it is thus able to be verified by such disciplines as archaeology, although this does not prove it true, especially in relation to spiritual beliefs, it tends to confirm the truth of the whole book. The various alleged historical details in the Book of Mormon are not only unable to be verified but are blatantly false in terms of their facticity and historicity. This is defensible in a work of fiction, but not in a work which claims to be the basis of a Christian church. This is specifically why many of the works such as the Gospel of Thomas, which contained non-factual fantastic legends about Jesus were excluded from the Biblical canon, since the Christian church is interested in facts and truth, not legends.

Mormons (and others) would give their own reasons for claiming to be Christian, perhaps somewhat differently from the first paragraph above. They will frequently quote the Christian scriptures, although the meanings they assign to key Biblical terms are not Christian meanings, but according to their own theology.

It needs to be stated here quite plainly that I bear the Mormons no animosity. This comment needs to be made and clearly understood. Every single Mormon I have known or met has been friendly, kind and pleasant to deal with. The above answer is intending to deal with the facts of the matter and does not represent any kind of a personal attack. Mormons have indeed been the recipients of un-Christian acts and many unkind words, from persons claiming to be Christian. I find this as offensive as I do any kind of deception.


- According to Webster's Dictionary the word "cult" means, "1. a system of religious worship 2. devoted attachment to a person, principle, etc. 3. a sect. It comes from the Latin word 'cultus', which means care." Therefore, according to Webster, all political parties, churches, charities, or groups with common ideas, values or ideals are cults. Is it up to us to decide that anyone whose ideas or practices are different than our own but are still moral and ethical be so labeled? None of Webster's deffinition is necessarily negative or positive. Most Mormons I know are devoted to Jesus Christ and His teachings. If Mormons say they believe in Christ shouldn't that be enough?

Another answer

Mormons are Christians because they believe in, and testify of, Jesus Christ

The title page of the Book of Mormon states that its purpose is "to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD."

Joseph Smith wrote, " And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father."

The Articles of Faith state "WE believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost, We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel, and We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ..."

You can read the testimony of Christ by the current Twelve Apostles at

Another answer

A Mormon will not acknowledge they need salvation beyond themselves. I find it rather funny Mormons claim to be christian yet they neglect a fundimental truth from the bible. You must be born again. You mr Mormon can deny this truth all you want but in the end will you be right. Look beyond Joseph Smith temple in Salt Lake, and the building dedicated to Joseph Smith called "the Joseph Smith building" In Christianity Jesus died for you and for me, in mormonism, Joseph Smith died a martors death, but did not die for your sins a big difference don't you think?

Another AnswerI suggest before you place an answer here that you learn the real facts about the Church you wish to challenge, because it really does make an entry display great ignorance!

For instance, to the last answerer:

The LDS "Mormon" Church is really named in Christ's name - the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - not Joseph's. Further, the religion itself teaches that "There is no other name given under heaven whereby man can be saved but in and through the name of Jesus Christ". LDS do not worship Joseph; he was merely a 'prophet': they worship the Christ.

Next: Joseph Smith had nothing to do with the "temple in Salt Lake".

That commenced under the prophet Brigham Young, and was not dedicated, nor even completed until 'under' a later leader of the Church. Each temple bears the words across its entrance: "Holiness to the Lord"

Thirdly, LDS missionaries operate around that same scripture the last answerer cited: "Except ye be born again, ye cannot be saved," and, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven". This is why the Church's missionaries baptize as people become converted.

My suggestion is simply that if you are to challenge a faith - any faith, make sure you really do know what you are talking about with reference to its teachings and with its history. Otherwise, it makes your answer appear "daft"!

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Q: Why does Mormonism claim it is a Christian religion when it is a Cult?
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