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Q: Why does Odysseus not tell his crew the rest of the prediction by the sirens?
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Who opened the bag of winds?

Odysseus' crew did. They believed Odysseus was hiding treasure from the rest of the crew.

Why is Odysseus the only one that can hear the sirens?

Odysseus is the only one who can hear the sirens because he had his men tie him to the mast of the ship and plug their ears with wax so that he could listen to the sirens' song without being drawn to his death. This was part of his clever strategy to navigate safely past the dangerous temptations of the sirens.

Who was friends with Elpenor?

Odysseus and the rest of the crew were friends with Elpenor.

What plan does Odysseus devise that will enable him to listen to the song of the of the Sirens yet remain unharmed by them?

Odysseus has his crew stop up their ears with beeswax to block the Sirens' song, while he asks to be tied to the mast so he can hear their enchanting song without being able to steer the ship towards danger. This plan allows Odysseus to experience the Sirens' song without falling victim to their lure.

Who told the sirens that Odysseus was coming?

Possibly no one if anyone possibily the gods (if any then Posieden) but since the Sirens are there to draw humans to their island then they must know about everybody and how to draw all in and since Homer doesnt describe any of the other songs that the Sirens would try (or tried) to sing to the rest of his crew then they knew that Odyesseus was the only one that could hear them and so if they knew that then they could know that he and whoever else is coming what they wanted to hear

How is Eurylochus responsible for the death of Odysseus' crew?

Eurylochus convinces the rest of the crew that slaughtering the cattle of Helios is preferable to continuing to starve. He argues that the gods will forgive them if they sacrifice some of the cattle to them. Zeus destroys their ship and leaves the men to drown; only Odysseus survives.

Who was Eurylochus?

Eurylochus is a trouble-making individual in Odysseus' crew on his return home.His exploits include:Convincing the crew to open the bag of winds, thinking that there is treasure inside it.Avoiding Circe's spell through his suspicion, and successfully warning Odysseus and the rest of the crew.Convincing the crew to kill the cattle of Helios for meat, and sacrifice some of them to appease the gods.

Where did Odysseus go after leaving the island of the cyclops?

Odysseus and his escaped crew go first back to the rest of the ships. After sacrificing the large ram, and feasting on the meat, they set sail and arrive at Aeoli, home of Aeolus.

What do you see foreshadowed in the cyclops' prayer to Poseidon?

When Odysseus blinded Polyphemus and stole many of his sheep, the Cyclops prayed to Poseidon to keep Odysseus from ever returning home or at least to make his journey long, perilous, and hard, and that he would return home by himself, with his entire crew dead. This prayer clearly foreshadows that some evil will befall Odysseus. This is true, as we find out in the rest of the story. He encounters Scylla and Charibdis, the Sirens, endures Apollo's wrath, loses half his crew from being eaten by giants, and returns home twenty years later to find that random kings and princes have trashed his castle and are trying to steal his wife.

What does the ghost of Elpenor request?

Elepenor requests that Odysseus and the crew build him a barrow on the sea shore, bury his body there, and place his oar on the barrow, so that he can rest in peace.

On Circe's island what happened to Eurylochus?

Eurylochus was given command of 22 men to explore the island, (half of the crew). They meet Circe, and feast at her house. However, Eurylochus being suspicious, does not eat of the food or drink the wine. When the crew members are turned into swine, Eurylochus runs back to the ship to warn Odysseus. Later when Odysseus comes back, and Eurylochus does not want to go back to Circe's palace, Odysseus is angry enough to behead him, but is stopped by the rest of the crew.

Where does Odysseus arrive at with his raft?

After Zeus destroys Odysseus' ship, Odysseus drifts on a raft for ten days until he arrives on Calypso's island. The rest of his crew drown. After Odysseus sets sail on a raft from Calypso's island, he drifts for twenty days until he reaches Scheria, the land of the Phaecians, and is forced to swim to shore, drifting for three days towards the island before he reaches it.