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Greek culture was kind of to do whatever they wanted to, if they wanted to sleep they slept, if they wanted to fight they fought. So when odysseus is presented with the opportunity he wants to, so he sleeps with her but his love still lies with penelope. In addition to sleeping with calypso, he also sleeps with circe and helen and probably many others.

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Odysseus sleeps with Calypso because he is stranded on her island and unable to leave. While he misses Penelope, he is physically drawn to Calypso due to his prolonged isolation and desire for companionship. Despite his feelings for Calypso, his ultimate goal is to return to Penelope and Ithaca.

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Q: Why does Odysseus sleep with calypso if he misses Penelope so much?
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Who does Odysseus sleep with?

He sleeps with Calypso, But when he wakes up, he thinks only of Penelope.

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He was disloyal because he cheated on Penelope with Calypso and Circe. He was so afraid that Penelope was being unfaithful, yet he had two affairs ~ At least with Circe, he could not help but to be unfaithful. Circe was a witch and made him sleep with her lest his men remain animals and he would never see Penelope again. In the case with Calypso, she said that her island had bound him there and that he was never allowed to leave. So yes, he had a choice whether to sleep with Calypso or not but he did. Guess he thought he might as well enjoy himself if it's going to be forever. Which, you can't blame the man. lol

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circe and calypso. both were goddesses

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Athena puts Penelope to sleep through the years that Odysseus is gone. Then she puts her to sleep when Telemachous leaves for his journey, but comes to her disguized as her sister to tell her that Telemachous will be fine.

Who was calypso in The Odyssey?

Odysseus was saved by Calypso when he washed on her island. They become lovers, and sleep together for seven years. However, Odysseus yearns to return home. Calypso offers Odysseus eternal life and youth if would stay with her on her island, but Odysseus declines, longing for his wife Penelope and his home of Ithaca.

How did Hermes affect Odysseus?

Two instances: 1. When Odysseus is on the island of Calypso, Hermes comes as a messenger to persuade Calypso let Odysseus go. 2. Hermes gives Odysseus advice on how to avoid danger from Circe and how to get his men back from her. He gives Odysseus a magical plant to protect Circe from her charms, tells Odysseus to pretend to want to kill Circe after she tries to cast her spell, and warns Odysseus not to sleep with Circe before she has promised to do no harm to him.

In The Odyssey who is calypso?

Calypso is the beautiful Goddess-nymph who keeps Odysseus on her island for seven years. She lives on the island of Ogygia and appears in book 5 of Homer's epic poem, the Odyssey. She does not wish to let Odysseus go, but is told she had to after the second assembly of the Gods at the beginning of book 5. Hermes (the messenger god) informs Calypso what she must do. She also advises Odysseus on crafting a raft so that he can be on his way.

How does Athena help Penelope?

When Athena visits Penelope and Telemachus the first time, Penelope becomes sad when she hears the song of the homecoming of the Akhaians (Greeks) after the Trojan War, as it reminds her of her husband's absence. Penelope then goes to her room and weeps for Odysseus.

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It hides him in a mist, allowing him to walk undetected.

Who suffered more Odysseus or Penelope?

Due to this being an opinion question, there is no right or wrong answer. Here is my view: I believe Odysseus suffered more. Although Penelope did face mental and emotional pain, it was only for the last three years. Odysseus had 20 years of fighting the war, beats, hunger, and other obstacles on the way back home. He lost all of his men and simply wanted to get back home to his family. Penelope did have to sleep alone, but she had her son and servants in the safety of her palace.

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Go to sleep stooopid