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Prince Escalus says this to maintain peace and order in Verona by discouraging further violence and feuding between the Capulets and Montagues. He believes that drastic measures, such as death penalty, are necessary to prevent further bloodshed and chaos in the city.

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Q: Why does Prince Escalus say that who ever fights in Verona will be put to death?
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What is the penalty for disturbing the peac according to prince escalus?

Prince Escalus warns that those who disturb the peace of Verona will face the penalty of death.

Who decides romeo punishment?

In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," it is Prince Escalus of Verona who ultimately decides Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo from Verona as a result of his actions.

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Prince Escalus creates a law that any future fighting between the Montagues and Capulets will be punishable by death to restore peace in Verona.

Why does Prince Escalus banish from Verona?

The Prince banished Romeo because he has killed Juliet's cousin and they don't want to sentence him to death. So they sent him to exile, out of Verona away from his family and friends.

Who says that anyone who fights in Verona will be put to death in Romeo and Juliet?

The Prince

What does escalus say he will do to anyone that fights in the future?

Escalus declares that anyone who engages in future fights or brawls will be sentenced to death. He emphasizes that the violence and disorder in Verona must stop, and drastic measures will be taken to maintain peace and order in the city.

Why does Prince Escalus banish Romeo from Verona?

The Prince banished Romeo because he has killed Juliet's cousin and they don't want to sentence him to death. So they sent him to exile, out of Verona away from his family and friends.

What is the punishment when prince escalus breaks up the fight?

Prince Escalus threatens the citizens of Verona with death if they ever disturb the peace again. He holds them responsible for allowing the feud between the Montagues and Capulets to spiral out of control.

Why did escalus not sentence romeo to death?

Escalus did not sentence Romeo to death because he believed that Romeo acted out of love and in response to Tybalt's killing of Mercutio. Escalus also considered the circumstances and Romeo's previously good reputation in the city of Verona. Instead of death, Escalus decided to banish Romeo from Verona as a punishment.

What does the prince say will be the punishment for those involved in street fights?

After the first brawl in Romeo and Juliet (Act 1 Scene 1) Prince Escalus announces that in future street fighting will be a capital offence (punishable by death). Prince Escalus isn't exactly clear whether he means all street fighting will automatically be punishable by death, or only streetfights leading to murders (lots of characters in this play have trouble saying what they mean), but certainly when Romeo kills Tybalt there is a good chance that he will be facing execution. This is why he has to leave Verona.

What point does Prince Escalus of Verona make in his dramatic monologue to the Montague and Capulet families?

He says they have to lay off the fighting or he'll have them put to death.

in what act does romeo get banned?

Romeo gets banned from Verona in Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" after he avenges Mercutio's death by killing Tybalt. Prince Escalus banishes Romeo for his actions, declaring that if he is found in Verona he will be immediately put to death.