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Steinbeck uses Lennie and George to compare with other workers, many who think them travelling together is strange & are lonely men. The lone workers don't get close to the other workers and don't understand Lennie & George's relationship.

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Steinbeck uses Lennie and George to illustrate the detrimental effects of loneliness by showing how their friendship provides them with a sense of purpose, companionship, and support. Through their close bond, Steinbeck highlights the importance of human connections in combating loneliness and emphasizes the impact of isolation on one's mental and emotional well-being.

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Q: Why does Steinback use Lennie and George to show the impact of loneliness?
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George says that he stopped being mean to Lennie because he realized the impact of his words and actions on Lennie's feelings. He saw that Lennie was genuinely trying to be a good friend and companion, so George decided to be more understanding and supportive towards him.

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George is not physically handicapped in "Of Mice and Men," but he does face challenges as a caregiver to Lennie, who has a mental disability that affects his ability to understand and navigate the world. George's responsibilities and care for Lennie impact his own freedom and opportunities in life.

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Pros of "Of Mice and Men" include its exploration of themes such as friendship, loneliness, and the American Dream, as well as its rich characterization and emotional impact. However, some might consider the book's darker themes and tragic ending to be cons, as they can be intense and unsettling for some readers.

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Some of the key themes in "Of Mice and Men" include the pursuit of the American Dream, friendship and loneliness, the struggle for power and control, and the harsh realities of society during the Great Depression. The novella explores how these themes impact the lives of the characters, particularly George and Lennie, as they navigate through life's challenges and hardships.

What was Carlson's reaction to Lennie's death in the book 'mice and men'?

Carlson did not express any emotional reaction to Lennie's death in "Of Mice and Men." Instead, his concern was primarily focused on the practical implications of the situation, such as the repercussions of Curley finding out about Lennie's death and the impact on George.

What epiphany did george have in the book Of Mice and Men?

In "Of Mice and Men," George realizes the extent of Lennie's dependence on him and the impact it has on their lives. He also comes to understand that he must make a difficult decision to protect Lennie from further harm.

Why did the story of mice and men have such a profound impact on American culture?

"Of Mice and Men" had a profound impact on American culture due to its exploration of important themes such as the American Dream, loneliness, friendship, and power dynamics, which resonate with audiences across generations. The characters of George and Lennie symbolize the struggles of marginalized communities and the harsh realities of the Great Depression, making the story relatable to many readers. Steinbeck's writing style and vivid portrayal of human emotions further contribute to the lasting impact of the novel in American culture.

Does george Milton change throughout the book of mice and men?

Yes, George Milton undergoes significant internal changes throughout the book "Of Mice and Men." At the beginning, he appears pragmatic and protective of Lennie, but over time, he grapples with the moral implications of their situation and the impact of his choices. His ultimate sacrifice for Lennie reflects a deep transformation in his character.

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After killing Lennie in "Of Mice and Men," George will likely feel immense guilt and remorse. He may struggle with the decision he made and the consequences of it. George may also have to face the realization of losing his closest friend and the impact it will have on his own well-being.

What item stops you feeling lonely?

Loneliness is a very personal state. Each person responds differently so different items, or no items, will impact any one person's feelings of loneliness.