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There is the Executive branch which signes the bill into law. There is the Judicial branch which makes sure before a bill is signed into law that it is constitutional . There is also the Legislative branch which makes the laws. That is it.

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Q: Why does Us have 3 branches of power in our government?
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What are the 3 branches of government found in US government

The framers of the US Constitution advocated that the power of government would be limited They ensured this by providing?

3 branches of government.

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It is to split the government into 3 branches(legislative, judicial, executive) of government so there isn't too much power in the states

What are the 3 branches of govrnment in the US?

The 3 branches of the US government are the Judicial, the Legislative, and the Executive.

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The US Government has 3 branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial.

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Yes, both the Missouri government and the US federal government have 3 branches. The branches are executive, legislative, and judicial.

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judical, exeutive, legislative branches

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There are 3 branches of government - the legislative , executive and the judicial branches .

Why did montesquieu argue you need 3 branches of government?

he felt that if we had 3 branches of government no one would gain too much power.

What is the separation of powers in the US?

It is to split the government into 3 branches(legislative, judicial, executive) of government so there isn't too much power in the states