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Q: Why does a balloon rubbed with wool stick to a wall?
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Why does a balloon stick to the wall when it is rubbed with wool?

because of the friction

What will happen to the balloon when you put it against the wall after rubbing it with a wool cloth?

The balloon should have a small static electric charge which is enough to make it stick to the wall for a short time.

When a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth it becomes negatively charged why?

When a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth, the electrons from the atoms of the wool cloth enter the atoms of the balloon and thus, the number of electrons in the atoms of balloon becomes more than the number of protons. Hence, there is a net negative charge in the balloon, whereas in the wool cloth the number of electrons in its atoms become less than the number of protons, hence there is a net positive charge on the wool cloth.

When a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth why does it become negatively charged?

When a balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth, the electrons from the atoms of the wool cloth enter the atoms of the balloon and thus, the number of electrons in the atoms of balloon becomes more than the number of protons. Hence, there is a net negative charge in the balloon, whereas in the wool cloth the number of electrons in its atoms become less than the number of protons, hence there is a net positive charge on the wool cloth.

Why do two balloons repel each other after rubbed with wool?

It's due to static electricity build up. The balloons have become charged with electricity and it is the same charge on both balloons (either positive or negative). Opposite charges attract, identical charges repel each other.

An inflated rubber balloon is rubbed with a wool cloth until an excess of a billion electrons is on the balloon. what is the magnitude of the charge on the balloons?


What causes a balloon to stick to a wool sweater?

Charged particles

If two balloons are rubbed on a wool sweater they should stick to each other?

The balloon has a greater affinity for electrons so it obtains a negative charge after being rubbed against the sweater. The balloon, containing a highly negative charge, sticks to the wall because it is attracted to the positive charges in the wall (opposites attract). After a while, the balloon's extra electrons move to the wall and both objects become neutrally charged. Lacking any significant attraction, the balloon will fall off the wall.

Why do a balloon get stuck to the wall when it rubs against your hair or a wool sweater?

because of charge

What will happen when two balloons are brought together right after they are rubbed on a piece of wool?

When you rub one balloon with wool, and then rub another balloon with wool, we can safely assume that both balloons acquire the same kind of charge. So when you try to bring them together, they'll repel each other (push apart).

Why do paper stick on the pen after rubbing on hair?

This is because of static electricity, like that caused when you rub a balloon on your hair and it then sticks to the ceiling, or how a comb rubbed on wool sticks to paper.

What happens when a plastic rod is rubbed with wool?

When a metal rod is rubbed with wool, it gets energized because the metal rod and wool both have opposite effects.