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All other colours are absorbed by the blue object only letting the blue light be reflected or through

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Q: Why does a blue object illuminated by white light appear to be blue?
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What will happen when white light falls into an object?

It will be illuminated. Whatever else may happen depends on the substance the object is made from.

What color filter would you need to look at a red object through to make it appear white?

You really can't do exactly what you want. The closest you can get is to view an ENTIRE SCENE including this red object using a red filter, with the scene brightly illuminated (with either red or white light). Then your visual system will have no basis to assign the color red to this red object and it will appear as a shade of gray (to black or white, depending on how much light is absorbed by this object).

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it reflects all the colours of light?


What color will an object under white light appear to be if it reflects all the colors of light?


What determines the colour of an opaque object when illuminated with with white light?

The object appears to have the color of the light that it is worst at absorbing. That'sthe color of which the most light remains to be scattered and reflected to your eye.

Why do object appear white?

A white object emits light in all/most of the visible spectrum evenly.Because it reflects all the light back.

How do you see colours in white light?

White light contains the many colors you see. The illuminated object will absorb and reflect the light as its' materials see fit. A black object will absorb all colors. A white object reflects all colors. Everything else lies in between there somewhere.

What would a white object appear under a red light?


What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it absorbs all the colours of light?

it will be black

How do colored objects look under colored lights?

If the light is or contains the colour the object it is striking, then the object will appear to be the colour it originally is. If the light is not or does not contain the colour the object it is striking, then object will appear black. This is because an object will only reflect the light that is the same colour as it, all other light is absorbed. For example: Red, yellow, magenta, and white light will make a red object appear red as they all contain red light. Blue, green and cyan light will make a red object appear black.