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eeerm maybe because the actual object is blue LOL, you dizzy bruv?.

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Q: Why does a blue object look blue under white light?
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What does a blue object look like under white light?


What color will a white object be under a blue light?

A white object under a blue light will appear blue. However, your brain knows that the light is blue, and takes that into account when interpreting the scene. You'll probably still "know" the object is white. It's possible for stage technicians to take advantage of this and make you think that blue objects are white, by lighting them with blue light. (This is more common with red and green: lighting a green object with green light makes you think it's white; lighting it with red light will make it look black instead. This is a way to suddenly reveal figures that had previously been hidden on stage.)

What colour will blue be in a green light?

Blue what ? ! ? Do you mean an object that appears blue in white light ? Such an object appears black in green light.

What colour is a blue object when white light shines on it?


Why does a white object look white in white light?

The object has absorbed light in the whole visible spectrum. For example, an object appearing blue in the white light has absorbed red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and violet; but the blue light is reflected to your eyes. ==========================================

Is a blue object always blue under blue light?


What colour would a white object be if a blue light shone on it?


If white light shines on an object and the object appears blue, this means that?

The object reflects blue light more than it does any other color.

Why does a blue object illuminated by white light appear to be blue?

All other colours are absorbed by the blue object only letting the blue light be reflected or through

What colors of white light does a blue object absorb?

Anything that is blue is absorbing all the colors except blue.The blue light is reflected to your eye and you see the object as being blue.

Would a blue object stay blue if you put it under a red light?

The physical property of something being blue is purely a result of the wavelength(s) of light it reflects. Blue objects are blue because they reflect only light that lies within the blue spectrum (450 nm - 475 nm). If you put a blue object under a red light, the object will still maintain it's properties of reflecting blue light. Thus, the object doesn't change, however because no blue light is present, the object will not appear blue when viewed under the red light. Rather it will take on a darker shade, probably a black color.

What colour would white go under blue light?