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so the lighthouse keeper new witch way to change the lightbulb

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Q: Why does a lighthouse have stripes?
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Related questions

What is the color of Bodie inland lighthouse?

Black and white stripes. You can check on Google Images.

How many lighthouses have stripes?

There are two black and two white stripes that wrap the tower exactly 1 1/2 times, tapering as they spiral upwards. Each lighthouse has a unique "daymark" to allow mariners to recognize the lighthouse by day, and both Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras received their painted marks in 1873.

How do you known how to change a lightbuld in a light house?

a lighthouse with stripes around it so the light house knows which way to screw the bulb

What is the location of Oak Island lighthouse?

The Oak Island lighthouse has three distinct, wide stripes, white, black and grey. The lower third is the natural gray of Portland cement. The next section is white Portland cement and white quartz aggregate to enhance the white color. The top third or so is gray Portland cement with black coloring.

What is the oldest lighthouse?

the oldest lighthouse is the lighthouse of Alexandria

Where is the shortest lighthouse?

the shortest lighthouse is in Oregon the cape mears lighthouse

What do you call a person who works in a lighthouse?

a lighthouse keeper.

What is the possessive from of the word lighthouse?

The possessive form of the word "lighthouse" is "lighthouse's."

What color is the Oak Island lighthouse?

The Oak Island lighthouse has three distinct, wide stripes, white, black and grey. The lower third is the natural gray of Portland cement. The next section is white Portland cement and white quartz aggregate to enhance the white color. The top third or so is gray Portland cement with black coloring.

What do lighthouse workers do?

Man the lighthouse.

Who lives in a lighthouse?

a lighthouse keeper

Is the concord point lighthouse haunted?

its not the concord point lighthouse its the gibralter point lighthouse