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They are usually thinner and the Warmness don´t get that isolated

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Q: Why does a long candle burn faster than a short candle?
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Will a candle burn longer in inhaled air or exhaled air?

Air contains about 21% oxygen, so the candle in air might only burn 21% as long as a candle in oxygen. Of course, that does not include other variables, like the candle burning in oxygen will burn hotter, melting the candle wax sooner.

What burns faster a short fat candle or thin long candle and why?

A long candle because the flame won't melt on the edge so it wont burn that, and the wax in the middle gets too deep and the fire goes out due to lack of oxygen. A long and thin one uses all the wax and since it so thin it burns faster.

Is candle long or short vowel?

The word "candle" has a short vowel sound, as the 'a' is pronounced as /æ/.

How long can candles burn?

A candle can burn depending on the size of it and the length or waxing of the string

Which candle burns faster?

A parrafin candle, a beeswax candle, and a soy candle were burned at he same time. If you are lloking to buy a long lasting candle i suggest buying a parrafin candle( most candles are made from parrafin) Do not buy a bees wax candle they burn twice as fast as a regular candle

How long does it take for a white colored candle to burn out?

It takes a white candle to burn out like 2 and a half hours maybe even 3 hours.

How many BTU does a candle give off?

well how big is the candle? which material is it made out, and how long does the candle burn?

How long can a candle burn in a sealed cup?

Depends on the size of the cup.

How long does it take to burn a candle all the way to the bottom?

it depends on the size of the candle. no it really doesnt! so be quitte

Does a soy candle burn as long as a beeswax candle?

Beeswax is known to be a long burning wax. Even so, it burns the same amount of time as a candle made from soy. The length of time a candle burns depends upon how tight the wax was wrapped during production. The tighter the wrap, the longer the burn.

Which candle would burn faster a light green one or a light pink one?

This is an old joke. The answer is "Neither--All candles burn shorter." I'm locking this and moving it to the joke/riddle section. === the long thin pink one. ~Not necessarily, it depends on what type of wax is used, the thickness of the wick, and the amount of wind the candle is exposed to. The green square candle will out burn the other two. The long pink candle will burn the fastest. The green square candle. If you think about it, it all depends on the height of the green square candle, exactly how thin the long thin pink candle is, the length of the long thin pink candle, how fat the short fat red candle is, how square the green square candle is, and the time of the year. It also depends on the stuff that the person who put a ~ before their answer said.

Which is faster long bow or short bow?

A short bow is faster