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Gravity if forming the clouds from the atomic bomb.

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Q: Why does a mushroom cloud form after a nuclear bomb explosion?
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fallout, a mixture of debris picked up by the updraft in the mushroom cloud and condensed vaporized bomb materials.

What happens if you stare at a mushroom cloud?

If you are referring to the blast of a nuclear bomb, you could easily lose your vision.

Why does the atom bomb make a mushroom shaped cloud?

Any explosion on the ground makes a mushroom cloud, even small grenades. This is because of the physics of the explosion. The high pressure pushes out rapidly, making a low pressure zone in the middle of the explosion. Air rushes back in to fill this area, making the smaller "pinched" area that looks like the mushroom stalk.

What happens when a atomic bomb explodes?

When an atomic bomb explodes it forms a mushroom cloud, the explosion gives off EMP or Electro Magnetic Pulse, the explosion is huge and can destroy so much for miles, and the explosion gives off huge amounts of radiation so if you survive the explosion you can suffer or die from the radiation after the bomb blew up.

What do you call the explosion called from an atomic bomb?

a nuclear explosion

Will chickens survive a nuclear bomb?

Noboby can survive a nuclear bomb if he is within explosion distance.

What type of cloud results from an atomic bomb explosion?

a radioactive fallout cloud

Which types of nuclear detonations create a mushroom cloud?

Any atmospheric, surface, or shallow subsurface burst. If it is too high to entrain dirt or water then the cloud is composed entirely of material from the bomb itself.

How do you make Nuclear bomb in doodle devil?

Go and find out your self.

How big of an explosion can a nuclear bomb make?


Why does the hydrogen bomb make a mushroom cloud?

Every explosion happening in an atmosphere makes a mushroom cloud; whether the explosion is a tiny firecracker, a hand grenade, a conventional bomb (e.g. the three explosions shown in the photo above), an atomic bomb, a hydrogen bomb, an explosive volcanic eruption, a meteor exploding in midair due to thermal stresses (e.g. comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 at Jupiter), a meteor impact making a crater, etc. How visible the mushroom cloud is and how long it persists depends on the yield of the explosion (how big it was in terms of energy released). The mushroom shape is simply an effect of buoyancy: hot gasses produced by the explosion are less dense than the surrounding air so they rise with the cap of the mushroom being a toroidal vortex (similar to a smoke ring).Similar clouds can be observed in the smoke above large fires and water vapor above cooling towers, but usually missing a well defined cap.Underground salt domes (that contain petroleum and natural gas) result from the same density phenomenon, with less dense salt rising through more dense rock. However here in most cases only the cap remains without the stem.