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Q: Why does a paper airplane resemble Harry Styles?
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What does harry styles from one direction necklace look like?

he has a paper airplane necklace

When did harry styles get his paper plane necklace?

A store

Does Harry Stlyes actually have a paper airplane necklace?

Don't think so

How do you edit a picture to make Harry Styles hold a poster of your name?

You go on google images and type in harry styles holding paper, save the picture and then go on picnik and add writing on the paper! xx

How will different styles of wings affect how far a paper airplane will fly?

Different styles of wings can affect a paper airplane's flight distance by changing factors such as lift and drag. Wings with a larger surface area or higher aspect ratio tend to generate more lift, promoting longer flights. On the other hand, wings with a more streamlined shape can reduce drag, contributing to improved aerodynamics and potentially increasing the distance the paper airplane can travel.

In which Harry Potter movie does Draco throw a paper airplane at Harry during class?

I think it's the third one after the dementor attack. He's mocking him for fainting.

Does a hole affect a paper airplane?

The effect of a hole on a paper airplane would depend on the type of paper airplane the hole is on, and where it is on the aircraft.

What paper airplane goes farther notebook paper construction paper copy paper?

i think the construction paper airplane will fly farther

Does the disign of a paper airplane effect it?

Yes, the design of a paper airplane can effect its performance.

How far does a arrow paper airplane?

Farther than any other paper airplane that i know of

How will a paper airplane fly without wings?

A paper airplane cannot fly without a wing.

Who made the the first paper airplane?

Leonardo da Vinci made the first paper airplane