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Q: Why does a patient in shock secondary to blood loss develop and pale cool and clammy and 8203 skin?
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What are clammy hands the symptom of?

high blood pressure

Why is someone's skin cold and clammy in hypovolemic shock?

During shock, blood is conserved for the vital organs, and blood flow to the skin is decreased. This makes the skin feel cold and clammy.

Explain why someone who suffers a severe cut might develop a rapid and weak pulse why might body temperature begin to fall?

there will be blood loss that is hypovolemia and body becomes cold and clammy

What happens to your body to make you pale and clammy?

Blood is routed away from your skin.

Under what conditions might a person with Rh-blood develop Rh antibodies?

The first time an Rh- patient receives blood from an Rh+ donor, the Rh- patient will develop Rh agglutinins (agglutinins=antibodies) in the blood plasma. If the patient receives another Rh+ donation, it will cause agglutination, or clumping of the blood. The red blood cell membranes become leaky and hemoglobin pours into the blood. A possible cause is kidney failure due to excess hemoglobin at filtration sites.

What if your treating a wounded airman You realize the he probably has lost approximatley 2 liters of blood because the patient shows what signs?

Loosing 2 litres of blood would put someone into shock. They may be pale with cool clammy skin. They would have rapid breathing and a rapid heartbeat.

19 You're treating a wounded Airman You realize that he has probably lost approximately 2 liters of blood because the patient shows what signs?

Cool, clammy skin; fast, weak pulse; paleness; trouble breathing; swollen abdomen if internal bleeding; huge puddle of blood under the Airman.

What is a condition caused by excessive exposure to heat characterized by cold clammy skin and symptoms of shock?

Shock is the progressive failure of the body to circulate oxygenated blood to all parts. Cold clammy skin, fainting, etc. are all signs of disrupted blood flow to different parts of the body.

What is blood salvage?

Blood salvage is the recovery of a patient's own blood from the surgical site to be readministered to the patient.

What happens to a patient when the blood of a donor does not correspond with the patient?

the patient will die

What is the benefit to the patient of blood salvage?

The patient benefits from blood salvage by the elimination of the risk of blood-transmitted virus or blood transfusion reactions.

Autologous blood is _____.?

Autologous blood (from the patient)