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A person needs to take in vitamins through foods each day for optimum health. Vitamins are essential to nourish and repair cells in the body.

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Q: Why does a person need to take in vitamins through foods each day?
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Why do you need to eat from each food group?

Each food group helps your body in different ways. For example, if you only had dairy foods your bones would be strong, but you would have no energy from fats and sugars.

Why is it so important to eat a wide variety of food each day?

the human body needs different vitamins to stay healthy and the reason you need a wide variety of foods is to ensure that you get all essential vitamins like A,B,C,D,E, iron, calcium, zinc and more. Each vitamin helps with a different area of the body and can be found in different foods. For example, vitamin A is found in fruits and helps eyesight and vitamin D you get from the sun and it assists bloodflow.Eating a variety of foods balances the vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, complete and incomplete proteins. Take for an example vegetables, some vegetables are high in vitamin C but low in vitamin A so you want to find a different vegetable that is higher in vitamin A and lower in C so you don't overdose on vitamins, but you also have your vitamins balanced which can help keep you healthy and disease free.

What happens if you don't get enough dairy products in your body?

Many people are healthy without eating dairy products. You will need to check to be sure that you are getting calcium and Vitamin D from your other foods. Salmon, tuna, sardines, soy, orange juice and other foods can provide these vitamins for you. These two vitamins work together, so make sure you get the basic amounts of each.

What is the shelf life of vitamins?

Each vitamin will have a different shelf life, depending on how it is made. Some are in capsules, others are tablets, some are synthetic and others are made using whole foods.

What are minerals and vitamins for?

Vitamins and minerals are substances that are found in foods we eat. Your body needs them to work properly, so you grow and develop just like you should. When it comes to vitamins, each one has a special role to play. For example:Vitamin D in milk helps your bones.Vitamin A in carrots helps you see at night.Vitamin C in oranges helps your body heal if you get a cut.B vitamins in leafy green vegetables help your body make protein and energy.

How many grams of vitamins are found in each capsule of a supplement containing 500 milligrams of vitamins?


What is the most nutrious food?

Some claim that brown rice is the most nutritious food. However, each food has its own unique blend of vitamins and minerals and even trace elements. Brown rice may be high in the B vitamins, but you need more than the Bs. A healthy diet contains nutrients from a diet full of a variety of foods to benefit from each of their qualities.

Losing Weight With Food?

Women who want to lose weight and eat the right foods can start a weight watchers program right from their home. The program can be followed on the Internet so the foods that are consumed can be tracked. The foods can be delivered to the woman's home as well as purchased in a store. The points on each food need to be written down so the person knows exactly what to eat through the week.

What fraction of the foods from fruit group as whole fruits should be eaten each day?

Each person should eat 5 to 9 pieces of fruit a day.

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How import are vitamins and supplements to a persons overall health?

Get into the habit of eating healthy foods each and every day. What this means is that you need to toss out your love of fried, fatty and processed foods and begin to enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products, lean meats and fish regularly.