

Why does a red object appear red?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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10y ago

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The color red is the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum that is about 650 nanometers (within the range of what is commonly called "visible light"). This represents a particular wavelength (inversely, a particular frequency) that photons of light exist at.

When a photon of this kind exists, it is generally because an atom of a substance has emitted a photon of this wavelength/frequency (a "red" photon). This can happen when a substance receives broad-spectrum (white) light, and absorbs all but the red part of the visible spectrum.

After the red photon has been emitted, it is absorbed by a molecular/enzyme complex called "rhodopsin" in the retina of the eye, where it, then, produces a particular energy "signal" for the optic nerve. This signal travels back to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe of the brain (in the back), and it is "decoded" as "red".

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Cause the light reflect off it into your eyes and makes it red.

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