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Q: Why does a solar-powered water still might be useful in a country where the drinking water contains bacteria that can cause diseases?
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How is bacteria dangerous?

Bacteria can be dangerous in many ways. Some bacteria carry diseases that can cause severe illness or even death. Some bacteria causes food to spoil and can make drinking water unsafe to consume.

Can ozone cause diseases?

There are no known diseases ozone can cause. However there are many that claim ozone can cure diseases like Lymes disease and HIV in the same manner it is used to kill bacteria in our drinking water.

What diseases can you get from Binge drinking?

No diseases are caused by heavy episodic or "binge" drinking.

What are the causative agents of cholera and the methods of spreading for the diseases?

Cholera is caused by eating food or drinking water containing the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

What are the causes and effects of human excreta caused diseases?

Typhoid,and Cholera are spread by water borne bacteria caused by humans drinking contaminated water.

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what disease can you get from drinking from a dirty glass

What kind of Bacteria live in drinking water?

total coliform bacteria

How is zoonosis passed?

In some cases, zoonotic diseases are transferred by direct contact with infected animals, much as being near an infected human can cause the spread of an infectious disease. Other diseases are spread by drinking water that contains the eggs of parasites.

What element is pumped into drinking water in treatment plants to kill harmful bacteria?

It's chlorine that kills the harmful bacteria in drinking water.

What is added to drinking water to kill the bacteria in it?

Bacteria (usually) can be killed with ordinary soap or diluted cholrine bleach.

How many bacteria are in one liter of drinking water?

There are many different kinds of bacteria in drinking water. In one liter of drinking water, there are literally millions of bacteria. Filtering the water with a high quality filtration system can significantly reduce this number.

Does bacteria swim in water?

Yes,they generally come from from sewerage and are called 'fecal coliforms' since they are found in human and animal waste. Drinking contaminated water causes the bacterial diseases of Typhoid and Cholera.