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cause they get boney adn there too weak to move and they died

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Q: Why does all animal die without food water and air?
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What is an animal that doesnt depend on food or a place to live?

some simple organism can survive without food and air but not water

Water is much more important than food and air?

Air is most important. You can live a few minutes without air, a few days without water and a few weeks without food

What i can't live without?

Food water air

What animal can swim underwater without coming up for air?

the animal that can swimm longest without coming up for air is a lion they can stay under water for days.

What can Selena Gomez not live without?

Air, water, food.

What extra nutrients does a working animal need?

It needs water, air, and food.

What are the animal and plant the similar?

Both need air ,water and food to survive.

What is the six things an animal needs to survive?

sunlight, water, and space to grow and live

What is to fish as air is to animal?

Water is to fish - as air is to animal.

How many days can you live with or without water?

It's the rule of threes. Three MINUTES without air, three DAYS without water and three WEEKS without food.

What water air or food is most important to survival?

In the order of importance, air, water, food. You can live 4 minutes with no air to breathe. You can live from 3 to 12 days without water, depending on physical exertion and environmental temperature, etc. You can live 35 or more days without food, depending on the reserves of fat in your body. That said, it should be noted that children or people who are underweight should not fast without food for long periods. thus air is the most important

How do air and water support life on earth?

because air helps us humans breath and water is the main thing for us to surive. We can survive without food but not water