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Q: Why does blood have to be shed in order for sin to be forgiven?
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What sin is removed at baptism?

"As Moses' Teachings tell us, blood was used to cleanse almost everything, because if no blood is shed, no sins can be forgiven." - Hebrews 9:22 In the Catholic faith it is taught that we are all born with original sin and it is washed away during baptism.

What was the result of Christ shedding his blood on the cross?

Christ shed His blood so that man might be forgiven for his sins. Only a perfect man could do this and that man was Christ. He took upon himself the sins of the world. One must remember that he only provided a way for us to be forgiven up to when he shed His blood. After that moment all who committed sin must repent or the affects of his atonement will be as naught for that man.

What kind of sin cannot be forgiven outside of confession?

Roman Catholic AnswerVenial sin can be forgiven in numberless ways, mortal sin can, normally, only be forgiven in the confessional.

Can you sin because im under grace?

gods grace gives you the ability to be forgiven for your sin. you can still sin though you just have the privelage of being forgiven

What is shed innocent blood?

Death of a person with no sin. According to christianity only Christ met this criteria.

1John chap 5 verse 17 All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not leading to death?

There are two types of sin mentioned. One does not lead to death and the other one does. The sin that does not lead to death is the one that is repented of and forgiven. The sin that leads to death is the one that is not repented of or forgiven. So the only sin that does not lead to death is the sin that is forgiven. 1John:5:17: All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.

What is the sin you can not get forgiven in Islam?

commiting shirk

Which sin are not to death And what thpe of sin are to death according to bible?

ANSWER:There are two types of sin. One does not lead to death and the other one does. The sin that does not lead to death is the one that is repented of and forgiven. The sin that leads to death is the one that is not repented of or forgiven

Can the sin of pride be forgiven?

Yes. If pride could not be forgiven, then most of us would be in a lot of trouble.

Can you be forgiven for blaspeming?

Yes you will be forgiven, but if you grieve the holy spirit then you will not be forgiven.

Can you be forgiven if you commit a sin an purpose?

Yes. But being forgiven by others is easy, forgiving yourself is the true task.

What is the only sin in the bible that will not be forgiven?

The Bible speaks of a "sin unto death" in Romans 6:16 and 1 John 5:16. Many bible scholars believe that this refers to a sin which can not be forgiven. Many feel that this refers to a person who rejects God's plan of salvation and completely turns his back on God. Those who are not willing to repent are not forgiven for their sin.