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The earth's atmosphere/plasma acts as a reflector for long wave infrared radiation.

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Q: Why does earths atmostsphere have the ability to block outgoing long wave infrared radiation after allowing incoming short waves pass through?
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What happens to incoming solar radiation after it is reflected off the surface of the earth?

The wavelength is longer. Energy is re-radiated by the Earth as infrared radiation (heat).

What is the common name for infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation, infrared, heat radiation.

How are infrared waves and infrared radiation related?

infrared waves and infrared radiation both are same

Is heat radiation called infrared radiation?

yes, heat radiation is called infrared radiation

What is the greenhouse gas that absorbs the sun's incoming shortwave radiation?

No greenhouse gas absorbs the sun's incoming shortwave radiation. All the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, CFCs etc) absorb the outgoing longwave infrared radiation from the warmed surface of the earth.

A gas or vapor that traps infrared radiation instead of allowing it to escape through the atmospheres called a?

greenhouse gas

Is infrared radiation to human?

infrared radiation is invisible to humans

What will be the effect of methane on the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation on Earth?

Methane is a greenhouse gas and it absorbs infrared radiation that is remitted from the earth. As it absorbs the radiation it is stopping it from being re-radiated to space thus warming the earth.

What type of radiation does electric cooker grill have?

I think its infrared radiation.

Which form of radiation has the longest wavelength between infrared and visible?

Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths.

Infrared radiation is what type of energy?

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic energy

How hot is infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation is sometimes referred to as thermal radiation. The temperature of infrared radiation varies from object to object. All objects radiate infrared, even objects at room temperature and frozen objects.