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The more neutrons the less protons minus electrons equal to 4

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Q: Why does electron affinity increase from bottom to top in a chemical family?
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What is the trend in electron affinity of elements within a group?

decreases from top to bottom

When you read the periodic table top to bottom the number of electron energy level increase or decrease?


Why electron affinity value decreases from top to bottom?

It decreases as you go down a group because the atomic radius increases, and the energy shells increase, so the attraction is less. also, the number of electrons going down a period also increase, so there is more repulsion, and its harder to add electrons.

Why does the number of electrons increase as you go from top to bottom of the periodic table?

Electronic affinity increases as you move up a group, because going up a group there are fewer energy levels that stand between the postively charged nucleus and the outer level electrons. This doesn't really come into play as much as the trend moving across periods though. Electron affinity goes up left to right across a period, because as you approach the non-metals, the desire for atoms to gain electrons to satisfy the octet rule/achieve noble gas configuration goes up. By the time you reach the halogens (group 17), that affinity is very high, which makes the halogens the most reactive non-metals.

Out the elements F B O and N which is the most active?

Fluorine (F). It has the highest electron affinity which essentially means it is the most willing to gain an electron. Fluorine is also the MOST reactive element on the periodic table. Key to remember, as you go from left to right across the periodic table, the activity increases. As you go from top to bottom the activity decreases.

Related questions

Why is the electron affinity of Mg lower than the electron affinity of K?

Generally, electron affinity increases (becomes less negative) in groups/families moving from top to bottom.

What is the trend for electrons?

As you go across a period; Left to right, the electron affinity increases. As you go down a group; top to bottom, the electron affinity decreases.

What is the trend in electron affinity of elements within a group?

decreases from top to bottom

Who has higher electron affinity between bromine and Iodine?

According to Zumdahl, Group 7A elements (halogens) follow the expected behavior or periodicity as you follow top to bottom. The numbers (top to bottom) are getting closer to 0, so they are decreasing in electron affinity. Bromine has a higher negative # therefore it is a higher electron affinity.---papajohn

Electron affinity tends to what?

Electron affinity is an elements' ability to attract electrons and is variable for each element. Generally the more electronegative atoms are furthest to the right bottom of the periodic table and ascending to the left the elements lose their electron accepting ability.

What are the trends and exceptions to the trends in electron affinity?

Down the group electron affinity decreases Across a period electron affinity increases. However, it should be noted that chlorine is having higher electron affinity than flourine due to the small size of fluorine atom)

Differentiate the trends in periodic table?

Atomic size increases to the bottom left, and the following increase up and to the right with exceptions: Electronegativity Electron Affinity (Z-effective) Ionization Energy Elements to right have fuller valence shells, etc

When you read the periodic table top to bottom the number of electron energy level increase or decrease?


What are the acidity and basicity trends of the periodic table?

acidity increases from left to right and bottom to top in the periodic table. It follows the same trend as electron affinity and ionization energy. basicity follows the opposite trend. It increases right to left, top to bottom.

Why electron affinity value decreases from top to bottom?

It decreases as you go down a group because the atomic radius increases, and the energy shells increase, so the attraction is less. also, the number of electrons going down a period also increase, so there is more repulsion, and its harder to add electrons.

Why does the number of electrons increase as you go from top to bottom of the periodic table?

Electronic affinity increases as you move up a group, because going up a group there are fewer energy levels that stand between the postively charged nucleus and the outer level electrons. This doesn't really come into play as much as the trend moving across periods though. Electron affinity goes up left to right across a period, because as you approach the non-metals, the desire for atoms to gain electrons to satisfy the octet rule/achieve noble gas configuration goes up. By the time you reach the halogens (group 17), that affinity is very high, which makes the halogens the most reactive non-metals.

What appears to be the trend in electrom affinity as you move from top to bottom in a column?

It appears to decrease