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The elephants trunk and tusks make it problematic to get it's mouth down to water level - so it adapts. Simple.

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Q: Why does elephant drink water by trunk why not by mouth?
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How does an elephant blow water from its trunk?

Basically the same way you blow water from your mouth.

When an elephant drink water does it taste like buggers?

The do not drink water through their nose (trunk). They suck water up the trunk and then put their trunk in their mouths and squirt the warer out of the trunk into their mouths to drink.

In what ways does an elephant use its trunk?

The elephant uses his trunk to eat (the trunk grasps the food and then puts it in the elephants mouth), to shower (takes in water in his trunk and the throws it out on him) and to make noise (to trumpet).

How does a elephant get food?

through its trunk 2nd answer: The elephant neither eats nor drinks through its trunk, although it does use its trunk to spray water into its mouth. The elephant grazes for its green food . . . certain grasses, certain tree leaves, and so forth. It uses its trunk to push or pull food into its mouth.

How does the elephant use their trunks?

elephants use their trunk to spray water over their body to keep cool and to drink water and they sometimes bath with their trunk

What can an elephant do with its trunk?

It would be hard form them to bath, drink, and eat since they do all of those with there trunks. They suck up water to hose themselves down. They suck water up their trunks and shoot it in their mouths to drink. They also pick up their food with their trunks also.

Do elephants drink water?

Yes. Elephants do drink water.They use their trunk (their nose). They pull the water up from the watering hole through their trunk and then spray it into their mouth.

Do elephants breath through their long trunk?

yes the elephants breathe through their trunk.. Think of it as a straw in your mouth. They drink by breathing in. they really suck the water in their trunk and squrit it into their mouth.

How can elephants drink?

Infant elephants use their mouths while curling up their trunks out of the way.

How does elephants drink?

Actually an elephant uses its trunk to suck the water up and then it basically uses it like a hose to water itself.

How mouch dose elephant trunk hold quarts of water?

An elephant's trunk holds about 15 gallons of water.

Why does an elephant use its trunk?

It uses its trunk to pick up food, break branches from trees, lift items, to suck up water to drink etc.