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Q: Why does flour keep an oven bag from bursting?
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Does mesa flour go bad?

Masa flour can go bad and become rancid. To keep it fresh longer, it can be placed in a Ziploc bag and stored in the refrigerator.

What is the Cooking time for pork cutlets in cooking bags?

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Shake flour in oven cookingbag. Place in 13"x9"x2" ... top. Bake 1 1/2 hours or until tender. Makes 4 to 6 servings.Ingredients: 6 (bag .. flour .. onion .. sauce ...)

How many cups in a 2 lb bag of flour?

If I use 2 cups of flour from a 20 pound bag of flour how much is left

What is the best estimate of the weight of a large bag of flour?

Most flour comes in a 5 pound bag or a 10 pound bag.

Where do you store flour?

If you havent opened the paper bag it was sold in, that will do, but if you've opened the original bag, it's better to put the flour in a plastic resealable bag like a Zip-Lock bag. Always store the flour in a cool, dry, and dark location.

How does an oven bag work?

Use an Oven Bag when roasting chicken, turkey or any type of roast.Season as usual, add cut up raw vegetables, and seal the bag. Place into a cooking pan, and place in a preheated oven to cook. Set the timer.Remove when timer goes off, open the bag carefully. There is steam inside and you do not want to burn yourself.Remove the cooked food, place on a serving dish and toss away the bag. The oven bag helps keep foods juicy, and tasty inside, by not allowing it to escape. it also makes clean-up easy. Just toss the bag in the garbage, and enjoy your meal.

How many pounds of flour are in a ten kilogram bag of flour?


How many quarts in a bag of flour?

depends on how much flour you have. if you have 25 pound bag of flour it would be maybe 14

How many cups of flour in a 20kg bag?

That is approximately 160 cups of flour.

How do you use a flour bag?

The way I think that you or most people can use it is to open the bag and pour as much flour as you need to make whatever you are making.

How many dollars is a cup of flour?

Maybe .25-flour is dirt cheap for a bag.

How many cups of flour in a 5lb bag?

About 10 cups