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Sooty Mold grows on the secretions of plant sucking insects and mites. It does not harm the plant except insofar as it blocks light from the surface of the leaf
thereby interfering with photosynthesis. It may be removed with soap
and water and it's return prevented by identifying and controlling the
insect or mite that is most likely infesting your plant.

White flies love Gardenias; the sap excreted by the white flies turns into a black, sooty mold layer on the leaves that is unsightly. If your gardenia suffers from this black layer, simply take a hose with a strong sprayer attachment and blast each individual leaf with a sharp stream of water. Hold each leaf in the palm of your hand as you blast the water onto the mold and it will peel this black layer right off. It does NOT harm the leaf at all, in fact your Gardenia will thank you with the increased vigor. Don't forget to blast the stems as well. (Do this before the flower buds appear.)

Add a systemic granular insecticide to the soil regularly to keep the white flies at bay.

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Q: Why does gardenia plant get black leaves?
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Is gardenia a flower?

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