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it means that he wants you to like him back because your to beautiful.

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Q: Why does he look deeply in your eyes as he walks past you very close but doesn't say anything also he cant take his eyes off you?
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well if he says your not really cute than starts laughing he is just messing with you and he might like you or have a little crush on you. but if he says i dont think your cute then walks away with a strait face or says it and walks away with out saying anything he doesnt like u and he probably thinks your not that pretty

Does that mean anything if this guy used to walk far from you when he walked you home but now he walks close to you?

If this guy is starting to get close to you then ADUH of course he likes you and if he dosent tell you sooner or later that he likes you then ask him Im sure he'll be 100% honest just give it a shot

Wean he walks me home he stands very close to me does that mean anything?

First thing first, does he offer or is he forced?? It could mean two things. He does like you and is trying to get closer to you or he is trying to be obvious. I think on one of your walks home you should ask who he likes. Oh and if he is walking you home he probably has a crush on you!