

Why does hydroponics need oxygen?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Why does hydroponics need oxygen?
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Does hydroponics need much land?

No. Hydroponics requires very little land, as the containers can be stacked upon each other (provided there is room between for the plants).

Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as?

The growing of plants in water is hydroponics. Its not just water you need to grow hydroponic plants though, u need to mix in a nutrient solution that has all the nutrients your plants need.

Can organic fertilizers be used in hydroponics?

Organic is fine, but you need to read up about what types to use and how much.

What is the process of Hydroponics?

Growing plants in aquatic medium is called hydroponics

What kind of plants are grown today using hydroponics?

wheat hydroponics

Why isn't soil required for plant growth hydroponics?

because of hydroponics

Why is hydroponics costly?

I honestly think hydroponics are costly because in order to grow, they need nutrients and that's what makes this so expensive. YOu can't just grow it or something, you have to get it from soil and that's what makes it costly.

From where could hydroponics lighting be purchased from?

Hydroponics lighting can be purchased from Hydrofarm. They are a wholesaler and manufacturer of hydroponics lighting and equipment. One can visit their website for more information.

Does the backyard hydroponics systerm really work?

Yes, backyard hydroponics really do work.

Is hydroponics a good way to grow plants?

If you provide the proper fertilizer and minerals the plants need then yes.

Where can you get more information on the euro system made by general hydroponics?

From General Hydroponics I should think

What are the issues with hydroponics?

Many people dislike hydroponics as they complain that the produce is chemically grown (which it is), and has a watery taste.