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Q: Why does hypocotyl if germinating seeds form hook?
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How does urena disperse?

Its seeds are spread/dispersed by animals. They have hook like structure..

What type of beak claws of the parrot?

they have a curved or a hook shaped beak they use it for cracking nuts ,seeds and also for climbing

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Hibiscus disperse seeds by animals as the seed would hook onto the animal's hairs while it is sucking nectar

Why is ciku bad to eat?

Ciku seeds have a hook shape on one end that can catch in a person's throat if swallowed, possibly causing the person to choke.

Name seeds that scatter by sticking on the fur of animal?

Seeds that scatter by sticking on the fur of animals are often called burrs. The burrs are carried by the animals to a new location.

Which carpals bone has a hook like process irising from its anterior surface?

The trapezium (trapezoid) has a hook. It is on the thumb side (lateral). The hamate also has a "hook" and it is on the little finger side (medial). The two hooks form the sides of the carpal tunnel.

Is there any chance that Captain Hook lived?

Not according to chapter 15 of Peter and Wendy:"Bad form," he cried jeeringly, and went content to the crocodile.Thus perished James Hook.

Which seeds have hooks on them?

This is so the plants seeds can hook on to something like a humans clothes or an animals fur and get transported to another area where they can start to grow.

What is the verb in this sentence the hook had not been properly baited?

The verb in the sentence is "had been." This is a compound past perfect verb form indicating that the hook was not properly baited at a specific point in the past.

What does YO mean in crochet abbreviations?

Yarn Over - when you wrap the yarn around the hook to form a stitch.

What inspired velcro?

a Swiss inventor called George De Mestral went for a walk with his dog he noticed some seeds that kept on sticking to him and his dog. After looking under a microscope he found out that the seeds had a hook that attached itself to anything as seed dispersal. This inspired George to make velcro.

What represents the hook of a phishing scam?

The "hook" in a phishing scheme is the bait that is used by scammers to get personal information. People fall for phishing scams because they usually come in the form of harmless looking emails.