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Because Mars has an atmosphere. The Moon and Mercury do not.

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Q: Why does mars not have as many craters as the moon and mercury why does its sky appears reddish?
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Related questions

What is Mercury's surface terrain?

It appears to have many rocky valleys and ridges, and innumerable impact craters.

What has many craters no atmosphere?


Does Mercury's surface have many craters?

yes it does

Why does mars not have many craters like mercury and the moon?

At one time Mars had a thicker atmosphere and what appears as free running fluids on its surface. Over time, these things erode away surface features such as craters.

Are there any craters on the planet Mercury?

Yes, tons. thay are named after famous Artist, and composers.Yes there are many craters in Mercury, and scientist believe that there is ice in them

What kinds Key attractions does Mercury have?

mercury has many craters and they are named after famous writers.

Which planet resembles our moon because of its many craters?


How many craters are altogether in mercury?

The total number is not known.

Why do you see impact craters on mercury and the moon but not so much on earth?

Because there are not as many impact craters that you can see very well on Earth like there are on the Moon and Mercury.

Which planet resembles your own moon bacause of its many craters?


Does Mercury surface has many craters?

Yes it is similar to the moons surface

How many craters are on Mercury?

There are lots of craters on Mercury. For a more precise answer, we would first want to specify the size, by asking for example how many craters of at least one meter in diameter are there on Mercury.