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girls start about the age of 10 and boys start an 11 12 13 just depends

Menstruation and puberty are inextricably links in females. The onset of the menses is also the onset of puberty.

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Q: Why does mentruation start during the age of puberty and not before it?
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Can growth spurts start before puberty?

You have a growth spurt before puberty when you are age 7-9. And you will have your next growth spurt during puberty, usually age 13-15.

When does the blood sheds from vagina for the girl to start puberty?

Puberty starts before the menstruation does. When a girl get her period varies so I can not tell you when you will get yours but it is whenever during puberty.

When do woman start periods?

They start during puberty

What happen to girls before puberty?

Before Puberty, girls grow as children. They do not develop sexually until Puberty and hormones start.

What does it mean when a famale start to have a regular mentruation?

Means that if she has sex she can get pregnant.

Is it better to start weight training during or after puberty?

it doesn't matter You can do minor training during Puberty but ask a trainer for guidance.

Why do people start to have hair on their armpits and sex organs during puberty?

This it happens due to hormnal changes that occour during puberty.

What can you do to get tall?

Before or During puberty start swimming every day, their is less gravity under water which puts less strain on your growth :)

What is in your blood that makes you start growing fast during puberty?

It is male and female hormones on the increase that helps you grow quicker during puberty.

Before puberty is your sack always in a ball form?

It is like this until you hit puberty and start to develop.

When do the testes start secreting testosterone?

Your testes start secreting testosterone during puberty.

How long after you start having discharge does your period start?

It's impossible to say when your period will start following getting discharge. Discharge starts as a girl enters puberty, everyone develops differently during puberty but typically we say that a girl will reach menarche within four years of starting puberty.